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  1. enak


    im tired, you can get the last post :), gotta go to school early tomorro, principal want's us to do a maths test b4 school *sigh*
  2. enak

    future IT career

    sif mate, java is written for every platform availiable, "write once, run anywhere" java is smaller, more platform independant and fully sik bro!
  3. enak


    Would you like to buy some "blank" cd's?
  4. enak


    *notices it's from Krispy Kreme* /me eats donut *mmmmmmmmmmmmmm donut*
  5. enak


    It's pseudocode you fool no grammar rules.
  6. enak


    *walks over to winston* **prod** *winston falls into an uncontrollable fit resulting in denial of keyboard* Stop posting you maggot! :p
  7. enak


    BEGIN Set enak = teh winner IF enak = teh winner THEN winston != teh loser ENDIF END :p
  8. enak


    Ye, thats right,! :D
  9. enak

    future IT career

    .NET looks promising, might try it some day
  10. enak


    If we did that, would we get a reward? :p
  11. enak


    *looks around, looks at boxes and boxes of cds* nothing to see here. :p
  12. enak


    Yes you must lower yourself to the standards of a child.!
  13. enak

    future IT career

    Let the market recover, maybe by the time we are out of uni, the boom will return.
  14. enak


    You want war!!! :p
  15. enak


    *rings microsoft* :p
  16. enak


    Point taken :)
  17. enak

    future IT career

    Perhaps they should migrate and look abroad for jobs.
  18. enak


    You could just decompile the code :)
  19. enak

    Predictions on $RealEstate$

    There are other areas of investment which is more dynamic than real estate, espectially rural estates. Returns are also higher, but then the high risks are accounted for. For investment properties, you would have to wait a long while before it reaches a decent price to sell. Renting would be ok...
  20. enak

    future IT career

    Also, you probably would know, but according to statistics, more than 70% of jobs are filled internally, or by word of mouth. Pretty much all of the good jobs are NOT advertised. Networking is essential for a healthy career in IT.