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  1. T

    Semester 1, 2008 Timetables

    Anyone know which entrance to Storie Dixson you need to use to get to Room 5?
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    Semester 1, 2008 Timetables

    When you have multiple classes at the same time.
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    Semester 1, 2008 Timetables

    Mostly. Occasionally you'll come across a patronising/dictatorial lecturer who takes a roll or something and threatens to fail you if you don't keep up lecture attendance.
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    Semester 1, 2008 Timetables

    Find out when tutes are available here (type the unit code into the thing at the top). Basically the customisation thing allows you to choose particular days or periods during which you don't want classes. It'll try to give you tutes outside the periods you block off. There's no way to pick a...
  5. T

    Semester 1, 2008 Timetables

    Update: sorted out my timetable, it's now fairly reasonable. Back to three days a week again, which is nice.
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    Semester 1, 2008 Timetables

    Hokay, so the timetable system seems to be set on giving me a 5pm tute rather than a 3pm tute with vacancies for the same subject on the same day. WHY? FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, WHY?
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    Holidays in uni

    Yes. There's a 3-4 week break between semesters and usually a week off sometime during the semester.
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    Incidentally, timetables are now up (at last). Get them via MyUni.
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    You're automatically allocated to tutes, but you can use the online thing to nominate a day or set of times during which you don't want anything and it will generate a timetable that accommodates that (as much as possible). You can repeat that process as many times as you want, so with some luck...
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    Parliament Discussion Thread Incidentally, the acting speaker just suspended the sitting again because Luke Hartsuyker - possibly the most irritating man in parliament - refused to leave the chamber after being directed to. Class act, everyone!
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    Your thoughts on O Day

    Do you enjoy reading endless conspiracy theories about the Maoist cabal that controls the ABC and the department of education? If not, it's not worth reading. (Except for Newspoll, and occasionally a few of their opinion writers.)
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    Official Summer Siesta 2007/8 Thread

    They just use the same photo as last year, yeah.
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    Parliament Discussion Thread

    (That's a very paraphrased version of it, but it's more or less accurate, I think. The draft hansard is on the parliament house website if anyone wants to check it.)
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    Parliament Discussion Thread

    His response was along the lines of "The Howard government neglected infrastructure investment in the states as a means to boost productivity to fight inflation; we plan to work with the states to improve productivity; if the opposition is going to turn question time into an economic pop quiz...
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    Security access on your 2008 card?

    Most labs can be used by anyone. Some faculties (economics and business, possibly IT) have their own labs which can only be used by people studying in those faculties.
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    Security access on your 2008 card?

    I doubt there's a blanket ban on first years getting after-hours access, but it's unlikely that a first year would need it. I think it's aimed more at research students who might want to work independently at odd hours.
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    Parliament Discussion Thread

    Never! I heart polls. Not that they're at all relevant or meaningful three years out from an election and in the middle of a new PM's honeymoon, but oh well.
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    Parliament Discussion Thread

    We don't have a generic politics thread anymore, so I guess I'll chuck this here: tomorrow's Newspoll shows a 57-43 lead for Labor, but more hilariously the preferred prime minister question splits 70-9 to Rudd. Poor Brendan. Edit: a check of the Newspoll...
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    Official Summer Siesta 2007/8 Thread

    Just got my new student card. Awesome, now I can make sure the library isn't about to fine me a few grand for the books I got out over summer.
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    Parliament Discussion Thread

    If anyone wants to be bored out of their mind by an arcane dispute between Bob Brown and the President of the Senate about anachronistic parliamentary traditions or by discussions about a revaluation of the parliament's copy of the Magna Carta, it's Senate additional estimates week! Live video...