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  1. S

    Conical Pendulum Questions

    Conics and conical pendulums aren't the same. Conics are 2-d geometry involving ellipses, parabolas, hyperbolas, and it's basically algebraic or co-ordinate geometry. Conical pendulums are basically masses hanging on a string, swinging around in circles, involving mechanics of...
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    do you think i can get 94.30???

    go look at the top 10 ppl at your school last year and wot UAI they got. It might be a good seem to be almost topping everything, so it'll depend on how you go compared to everyone else in the hsc...
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    How many 4unit students at your school?

    no, it was becos they were afraid if some not-so-good ppl did it it would scale everyone's internal marks down. Yeh, some ppl applied, and then dropped out a fortnight later, yet the maths dept didn't bother replacing the dropouts, and some who really wanted to get in din because the yr11 3u...
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    stupid mistakes!!!

    my tutor recommended me to, when you write each line, check that it follows logically from the previous step before you continue on. It might take a little longer to do the question, but it's better if it works for you. Idunno, i've never tried it.
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    Very Superstitious

    Your brain will be sweating under all that hair, eventually overheating and causing you to think slower.
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    number of hours study per day

    not trying to patronise or show off anything, just trying to say don't slack off and start bludging if you're the type of person who comes first in your skool, because there's a lot of smart ppl out there, so you should be aiming higher...:D
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    Converting to bin, hexa, octa

    i would guess, if u want to convert dec to bin, you do this: say 493: divide by 2. If there's a remainder, the last digit is 1. Otherwise it is 0. Get the whole number quotient (i.e. 493/2 = 246 + remainder, 246 is the quotient), and do it again. 246 has no remainder, so the next digit...
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    Help Question...

    thus it explains why the n'th shell has 2n^2 electrons at max, and also why the periodic table is structured like so if u really want the details: n - principal quantum number: progresses from 1, 2, 3, ... for each n, we can divide the electrons in terms of: l - angular quantum no...
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    number of hours study per day

    yes, but his coming first in his school has no indication of how well he'll go in the HSC. That was wot i mean.:D
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    hardest topic

    I reckon integration is the easiest one to screw up: I'm the type that would make mistakes such as the integral of 1/(5x) = ln(5x) + C. Stupid things like that. Probability is ok as long as you know wot's actually happening. People find it hard because they don't.
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    favourite song at the moment.

    sammi's new album's pretty good...
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    number of hours study per day

    sorri if this sounds a bit pessimistic, critical or even offensive, but it also depends on wot skool you went to...
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    How many 4unit students at your school?

    No, not everyone in ruse's good at maths They had 110 apply for 4unit, but they limit the number to 75.
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    Simpson's Rule

    call the first function value f(0), the last function value f(2n), where there are 2n intervals each with width h "wot weird letters...!?" simpson's rule is: V = (h/3)(f(0) + 4f(1) + 2f(2) + 4f(3) + 2f(4) + ... + 2f(2n-2) + 4f(2n-1) + f(2n))
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    Why trials are fucked: A Guide

    An exam is generally "fair" if I do well in it (which is not very often these days). Otherwise it's fucked and it's totally unfair.
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    feel like bitching?

    hmm...i generally tell ppl wot marks i got. As if i care if they start rubbing it in that they beat me. If they do, ppl just generally start gossiping about how such and such is such a d***. However, it's cool when you actually beat someone. It's cool when some annoying person asks you and...
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    favourite song at the moment.

    is that the guy with the really airy voice?
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    SECTION III is always a critical essay?!

    Yup, my plan's sorta similar to Nelly's and mjor's 1) you do a standard essay from one of the past papers (say last year's HSC), and you hand it in to the teacher. 2) If she says it's crap, repeat (1). 3) Otherwise, study your essay: a) It should be in an intro-body-conclusion...
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    Remebering formulas

    another way would be to list all the formulas you "need" to learn, and then learn how to derive them all. If you can't do that, there's half-half chance you won't be able to do the related problems anyway. Like stuff like sums-to-products and products-to-sums you're not supposed to memorise...
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    How many 4unit students at your school?

    we have around 70something... is that right?