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  1. S

    Trials vs HSC

    hmmm...depends: not when the trials feature questions like: "discuss the problems of the use of CFCS and the measures taken to alleviate these problems" ~ bs one whole page just for 6 marks hsc gets owned by ruse trials in terms of the BS factor...
  2. S

    Hmmm just remembered i do chem have 64 days...say you want half of it to study chem... spend two hours each day reading 8 pages of conquering chemistry until you finish what you need to learn... spend the other half of your 64 days to do all the trials you manage to scab off ppl... then use the last day to...
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    Quanta to Quarks

    the basic idea is: particle accelerator makes some particle (alpha) go really fast (using electromagnets or electric fields or somethin-rather) and it goes so fast it's made to hit as nucleus, fusing with it. That nucleus feels uncomfortable with the added weight, and decides "that's it!"...
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    Maths Marks

    actually time + input + talent = mark trust me, i've seen some ppl bludge so much time and they can still kick ass...and others work their heads off 6 hours a day and still screw up a couple of exams...
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    Question about the Chem Enrichment day...

    yeh seeing good chem students around...buggered cos they're forced to do pseudochemistry
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    Question about the Chem Enrichment day...

    hehe...really? jus learn to recite the textbook, that's good enough. If chem enrich's not free, you're all wasting your money...:)
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    Question about the Chem Enrichment day...

    are u guys/girls in yr 11? why chem enrichment?
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    wot? i thought not's an "oral exposition" about how "your text" relates to the theme... nothing to do with the's just there for a "tada!" thing... how slightly different is that? the thing's very ambiguous
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    then why do ppl bother? they dun get any more marks...
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    hey who here bothers to memorise their speeches...and doing without cheat-cards? imean palm cards..?
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    For All Who's Stressing, Here's An Idea

    This might not work. You can't usually tell which questions you can or can't do until you actually attempt them. Besides just how many formulas DO we need to remember? as far as I remember, there ain't many...
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    limiting sums

    a limit is different from a limiting sum...
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    i hate my school

    We din go hungry...actually we were goin about how stupid that guy was, cos he torched the building that quinny wanted to put down...instead of something like the computer room...
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    Maths Marks

    unless you can't even do that...
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    ... what kind of music do you listen to while studying?

    :cool: i din know that. i doubt it works for everybody maybe just be one of those psychological tricks...u know you're listening to study you study! o one more recommendation: don't listen to lyrics when you're trying to read from jsut doesn't work
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    ... what kind of music do you listen to while studying?

    One general rule: don't listen to anything in subjects you're not good at...for me it's a distraction, esp english...
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    ... what kind of music do you listen to while studying?

    really? i dun know bout cecilia...i watched the singing in the ms hk was one of those...i'm not sure bout names...i'm a newb...i learn from my mom, who can actualli read the newspapers...
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    Its all about chem....

    Although they did a lot of nasty things to chem in the new hsc's still not as bad as english... a bit less to learn in chem than in english...
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    i hate my school

    Does it help to remind you that quinny used to be a science teacher? Which one do you mean...? hehe... It reflects radio waves... Try not to bag our school too much. You could be expelled for that too...
  20. S

    ... what kind of music do you listen to while studying?

    I must admit, that's sad. It's also a corny unoriginal imitation. I hope your readers aren't as stupid as you are...