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  1. T

    OK...Name yourself...Who killed the chem exam??

    100%. after doing it three times of course i did it without studying got 65%. studied got 69%. memorised got 100% lolz
  2. T

    so, who do you know or have seen/ stalked?

    hehe thats joke old. btw i'm not doing a computing degree or anything:p
  3. T

    i saw Robert today - the accouting lecturer :p

    i luv accounting:) now gimme marks lolz
  4. T

    5.1 speakers *sigh*

    lolz 500W of PMPO pimping bass:D
  5. T

    so, who do you know or have seen/ stalked?

    the whole uni is sb. lolz. i keep forgetting their names. too many of 'em
  6. T

    Blue screen of death have mercy

    ;) what was ur userid again? orky. try using some older drivers. often the new ones have stablitiy issues. i find that one of the older drivers works best for my setup (ti4200- upgrading soon:)) and has the best performance. what graphics are u actually using? u haven't specified ( or i...
  7. T

    so, who do you know or have seen/ stalked?

    we are all acturial nerds:)
  8. T

    MATH 1131 / 1141 exam tips from veterans

    cuz algebra was easier lol:D. actually when i did the papst papers i skipped every single question 3 lolz. says something doesn't it;)
  9. T

    OK...Name yourself...Who killed the chem exam??

    car? what car? *looks around when i went online, babydoll says i was standing next to u. i'm not particularly observant so meh. its called lack of study;)
  10. T

    MATH 1131 / 1141 exam tips from veterans

    hehe. my funny order of doing questions in the exam: 4, 5, 1, 2, 6 , 3 lolz i should pass:)
  11. T

    OK...Name yourself...Who killed the chem exam??

    hehe. okay my HD possibilty is well.. undetermined oh yeah apparently i was standing on the bus right next to you :rolleyes: on the 393/395 to central after maths
  12. T

    so, who do you know or have seen/ stalked?

    hmm more like who is stalking me:p babydoll_ (on the bus; stop scaring me) redslert, constip8ed skunk are in my maths mitochondria in my chemistry oh yeah and shawny's stalking me i think thats about it. other lurkers on BOS stalk me too.
  13. T

    OK...Name yourself...Who killed the chem exam??

    lolz. someboday's jealous. na actually i challenged survivor39 to a HD in bio (marks were pretty much the same). and he hasn't accepted:p maybe when we get results back? he will accept hehe
  14. T

    I am not stupid but i just hate it soooooo much

    there was some on the library website. up to like 1998 or something but i only printed out from 2000-2003 (no i didn't do them all) i only did about 6 practice papers. then i ran out of time hehe
  15. T


    i'm like 24 marks... i've read the markers comments and stuff from previous years. so there i am thinking there isn't 24 marks for nothing so i provided yeah a 3 page analysis went thru step by step. then i wrote a 1 page justification (kinda like ntoes to financial statements)... to justify...
  16. T

    Maths 1101,1111,1121,1131,1141,1151

    ooh. another stalker? hehe
  17. T

    OK...Name yourself...Who killed the chem exam??

    our chem exam was alrite (higher chem). pretty much the same as the past papers (different numbers hehe)
  18. T

    chemistry teachers mistakes

    in my stupidity in year 11. i forgot to dilute the antifreeze. so there i am going why aint it boiling? so i stick another bunsen under neath. phew its getting funny in here. *opens window then the thermometer ran out. so i got out a 300 degree one. so there i am. 2 bunsens on full blast...
  19. T

    Maths 1101,1111,1121,1131,1141,1151

    hehe. it depends really