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  1. underthesun

    Difficulty of HSC

    If the medallist comes from this forum again like last year (did turtle occupy the forums before he got the medal?), then this forum would have something to boast :)
  2. underthesun

    Most difficult 4u q?

    e irrationality? I still haven't looked at it yet..
  3. underthesun

    Quick question on preference changing

    I accelerated a course, but repeated that same course. So this should be ok then? Hmm.. maybe I really should go to homebush tomorrow...
  4. underthesun

    ARG() values in complex numbers

    Thanks a lot, that makes it much clearer :)
  5. underthesun

    ARG() values in complex numbers

    Yeah, the excel book says to work it out geometrically. However, if the complex numbers don't lie along an axis it would be very hard using the geometric method. Using the arctan method can get you the answer very very nicely, so im just curious..
  6. underthesun

    Quick question on preference changing

    One more thing, about applications. You don't need to have a do with supplementary form A if you apply by web do you? And if you accelerated a course last year.. would you have to mention anything about it?
  7. underthesun

    Quick question on preference changing

    Well, if you change your preference after the 30th of september (which is tomorrow ATTOP) does the changes get considered at the second round or something? And will it cost? For some stupid reason I put two combined laws as my top two preference, and i might want to change them... You only...
  8. underthesun

    harder 2 unit

    That's because the power reduces by one. For example, x^2 on f(x) reduces to x f'(x) and to a constant in f''(x).
  9. underthesun

    ARG() values in complex numbers

    What about this? I'll do a sample question: The locus of z, given by the equation of arg(z-1) - arg(z+1) = pi/4 Find the centre of the locus (which is a circle). Now, arg(z-1) = pi/4 + arg(z+1) using arg(z) = tan<sup>-1</sup>(<sup>im(z)</sup><i>/</i><sub>re(z)</sub>), arctan(y...
  10. underthesun

    ARG() values in complex numbers

    Just curious. arg(z) = tan<sup>-1</sup>(<sup>im(z)</sup><i>/</i><sub>re(z)</sub>) right? This is an assumed thing right? No textbooks mentioned anything like this so far... Because this is so damn useful in finding the centres of complex number loci in the form of circles. Example...
  11. underthesun

    harder 2 unit

    differentiation of 2<sup>x</sup> and the likes, are they assessable?
  12. underthesun

    synthetic condensation polymer

    Nylon came up to my mind because it was in conquering chem. However i couldn't find too much info on it. Is this in the syllabus? The teacher prolly encourages the students to "use teksbuks informesion" like nerds...
  13. underthesun

    odd function times even function = odd function?

    Nah, 10 marks lower than that :p. Yeah I was a bludger... The only reason I'm repeating is that in 4unit I lost 5 marks due to bad rank (was in lower half of the class), and for 3unit my exam mark was 20 marks higher than the class mark. That was a really good surprise for christmas...
  14. underthesun

    Combined Law

    bump* I'd love to know too, since combined law at usyd and unsw is my top two preference *ahem* And do you get to choose what you get combined with after you get offered?
  15. underthesun

    odd function times even function = odd function?

    oh, make that two then :D
  16. underthesun

    cost for changing preferences?

    Change for free after the 30th? you sure?
  17. underthesun

    What's HECS??

    Page 43 of the UAC book has a very short explanation that basically says it all. Paying fee lets you into a course with 5 UAI less, or something like that. However it's expensive.. HECS lets you pay later by tax (something like that) or you can choose to pay up-front and save 25%
  18. underthesun

    odd function times even function = odd function?

    naw, its just that the question was mentioned. I've only done about 1 complete 4unit paper so far. Honest!
  19. underthesun

    odd function times even function = odd function?

    great idea mate :) the MANSW solution just seemed to say it straight away.. If you went to last year's MANSW you'll get the "harder 3u" notes, which are very good. Probably the same with this year's, but those bludgers at my school just wagged the open day instead of getting some paper for us...
  20. underthesun


    Yeah, you are only required to write the amount (sensible writing size) that is specified. But those "irrelevant craps" that you write outside the space always have a small chance of being relevant in case you miss something in the "allowed space"...