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  1. ToO LaZy ^*

    Official ECMT 1010 thread.

    bin width is the number of bars/columns in your graph
  2. ToO LaZy ^*

    Official ECMT 1010 thread.

  3. ToO LaZy ^*

    Official ECMT 1010 thread.

    tools-->data analysis---> descriptive statistics
  4. ToO LaZy ^*

    ACCT1001 discussions

    dang..didnt see the msg before
  5. ToO LaZy ^*

    ACCT1001 discussions

    it's a recommendation
  6. ToO LaZy ^*

    firefox, ie problems

    yeah they do. but even some that don't need java, the browser still shuts down automatically. ok..i'll try that.
  7. ToO LaZy ^*

    firefox, ie problems

    it says i have the latest version for java.. man this totally sucks :mad:
  8. ToO LaZy ^*

    Official ECMT 1010 thread.

    ^ uberly smart * btw..for Q2 b)..what does (*) indicate? EDIT: does it mean to multiply?
  9. ToO LaZy ^*

    Official ECMT 1010 thread.

    oh oh OMG <3 but how do i use excel to show mean, median..etc? my tutor was going too fast in the workshop and didnt understand a thing :( :mad:
  10. ToO LaZy ^*

    Official ECMT 1010 thread. i'm REALLY lost what am i suppose to do for Q2 a) do i produce descriptive statistics? if anyone could help us out, it would be much appreciated :) :) <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 msn:
  11. ToO LaZy ^*

    firefox, ie problems and
  12. ToO LaZy ^*

    CLAW. Court Rep.

    you can't do it yet.. only week 7-8 i only just emailed giuseppe about it
  13. ToO LaZy ^*

    Official ECMT 1010 thread.

    Q2 a)....i'm not getting any messages from Excel?..what am i doing wrong? i highlighted the salary column (figures only) and clicked phstat --> descrp. stats---> box&whisk, dot..everything
  14. ToO LaZy ^*

    firefox, ie problems

    i don't know if there are any java stuff on the page, it never finished loading yeah, i've done all scans and fixed some spyware... but still no luck
  15. ToO LaZy ^*

    firefox, ie problems

    when i go to certain websites, both these browsers close automatically. the page starts loading, then half way done the browser just shuts down.? why is that? (i recently caught the last msn virus...does that have anything to do with it?) EDIT: this is quite urgent as one of those...
  16. ToO LaZy ^*

    you decide!!! pt. 2

    from teh tig miester, actually. in the 1st lecture ;) though it MAY have been more of a scare tactic than a true figure.
  17. ToO LaZy ^*

    you decide!!! pt. 2

    and look at the questions for the ecmt assignment for godsake ;)..they arn't all that hard and seem pretty straight forward, i think :) get a head start on it.
  18. ToO LaZy ^*

    you decide!!! pt. 2

    1 in 5 people fail ecmt, there about 900+ students, so you'll have a pretty good chance at passing, so keep it
  19. ToO LaZy ^*

    Official ECMT 1010 thread.

    oi.just coz i've looked at the qs, doesnt mean ive done them :p
  20. ToO LaZy ^*

    Official ECMT 1010 thread.

    mm..i don't seem to have the phstat2 menu in my excel..crap and yeah, i've tried searching for a copy on the net but with no luck pm'd you me email :) cheers