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  1. saladsurgery

    2002 Independent Software Design and Development Trial HSC

    except for bacco, it seems the consensus is it was a pretty tough paper. i suppose i could have studied more...
  2. saladsurgery

    i hate that oreo ad.

    yes it does. very much so. i think it's about on par with the oreo ad.
  3. saladsurgery

    Finished works

    reflections --> not necessary, i just thought i'd do one to wrap it all up. photos back today, will post soon...
  4. saladsurgery

    Finished works

    remaining jobs: * second coat on the masonite boards x 3 * drill holes in boards, screw lead sheeting on (4 screws x 3 boards) * fit boards for hanging * hang boards and set up other bit (installation) * photograph the lot and write instructions * write relfective whatsit in diary i...
  5. saladsurgery

    Who wants to get an art-ish job?

    if money was no barrier, being a full time artist would be sik. i think i'll still make arty things as a hobby, whatever i do. ---edit--- the money comment: i have freinds who are artists, and when they tell people they always get funny looks and the occasional "oh. so what are you going to...
  6. saladsurgery

    Finished works

    our trials are comparitvely late, they finish this week (i had my hast 2day so i get a 3 day weekend), i've been doing little bits and peices on art but nothing solid really. due monday, before 9 am... hang on a tic... that's... 24 + 24 + 24 + 10 = 82 hours from now. a large chunk of which will...
  7. saladsurgery

    2002 Independent Software Design and Development Trial HSC

    77% or thereabouts, but i havent got the paper back yet and i did it 2 weeks ago so i dont know exactly what was good/bad i did the evolution of prog. lang's option, easier content i think, but perhaps harder to get a decent mark in because more ppl do it? ---edit--- i was 2nd, the guy...
  8. saladsurgery

    favourite song at the moment.

    damn i hate selwyn :mad: (sorry if you like him, but that's just how it is) fave song of the moment is by front end loader -- they're trying to kill me.
  9. saladsurgery

    Finished works

    photos coming soon i'm going to set it up and take photos tomorrow. this is my 100th post! yay :) but should i be taking pride or shame in this??
  10. saladsurgery

    i hate that oreo ad.

    you are being sarcastic, aren't you? please say yes. and then there's that crummy sensative new age american guy "only oreo" voiceover to make it even worse... damn that ad makes toilet paper ads look gritty and hard-edged... :P
  11. saladsurgery

    i hate that oreo ad.

    i hate that oreo ad with that annoying little blond-haired kid!!!!!!! i also hate cindy lauper, but that's another kettle of fish completely. ---edit--- i'm sure alot of people will consider this a waste of a thread but i really hate that ad. i'm also very bored.
  12. saladsurgery

    Please Please Help Me!!!!!!!!! Urgent!!!!!!!!!!!!

    damn! mail server!?!?! well, if you enjoy it... :D
  13. saladsurgery

    IPT, so crap

    didnt do IPT (SDD instead, tehy were on the same lines), but i reckon i could have knocked over the hsc course in yr 11
  14. saladsurgery

    Gandalf! The Ring cannot stay here!

    the guy who wrote the goosebumps books churns out about 1 a month, they're so formulaic and shitty... but somehow stragely captivating when you're in year 5
  15. saladsurgery


    talked to my teacher, and as far as my school goes: statements are not compulsary (but we have to write one if we get shortlisted for artexpress) diaries get looked at if your work marks at either end of the scale (very good or very poor)
  16. saladsurgery

    Finished works

    hmmm... links = broken... now i'm even curiouser
  17. saladsurgery

    major project

    Re: Smithy has no idea 2 and a half weeks -- less now -- and you want her to 3D imaging??? damn! are you chained to your computer? technical, yes... easy and quick, no. do yo u have any idea how many pong clones there are? better not make another one, you'll have the thought police...
  18. saladsurgery

    Suits for formal

    i wanna cape. not a superhero cape but a 19th century victorian gentleman (period drama/murder mystery) cape. big and black. or red. and a hat to match. a top hat? perhaps a cane. but i think that's overkill. unless it has a sword in it. then i can't live without it.
  19. saladsurgery

    Gandalf! The Ring cannot stay here!

    i'm glad they axed tom bombadil... (i hope he doesn't turn up in the next movie instead) he was an annoying git :mad:
  20. saladsurgery

    Your Major Work

    rolled = mugged. i see.