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  1. enak


    We have like one lesson a week for 4u during sport (1.5 hours) I really dont think thats enough, but all we have to do is circular motion.
  2. enak

    Predictions on $RealEstate$

    Those world tower apartments look real nice but a fair bit out of my price range :D, I wanna move close to uni, maybe 2-3 km radius from city.
  3. enak


    The only 'pop' song I like atm is Plummet - Damaged, all this commercial music is sooo bs, too bad soo much of what I like I can't get in Australia ie, Astral Projection, Israeli GOA is gold.
  4. enak

    cd stores

    Last album i think was massive attack - 100th window, or mandalay - instinct, or deeper euphoria mixed by red jerry, or ferry corsten - global trancemissions 02, perhaps I bought them all at the same time :p No wait, the last cd was Saint-Germain des Pres Cafe - an electro jazz compilation...
  5. enak

    Question Needs Response

    It's most probably considered as a percentage of where you are in accordance to the rest of your school. so 50/100 is the same as 100/200 etc.
  6. enak

    Workload at Uni

    I've tried that with negative effects for some of my subjects, of course for assignments plaguerism is neccessary :D
  7. enak

    Workload at Uni

    Shit, I did about 1 hour of hw/study a week before the last holidays, now I increased that to 3 hours a day MAX, then about the same on weekends.
  8. enak

    Open Day - September 6th 2003

    I want to find out more about my course, I think i'll go :), hmm, UNSW is the only uni I want to go to, sydney was boring ;)
  9. enak

    uai increment question

    In the board of studies pdf, its in the post of the top of this page, it says the calculation includes the yr10 cohort, so its more like 100,000 people i guess, but UAI isn't given linearly, check the pdf.
  10. enak

    Workload at Uni

    WTF 30-36 hours a week of normal study, thats suicide :p, so you would study 6 days a week for 6 hours a day? fuck that!
  11. enak

    BE Software / BCom Finance @ UNSW??

    Cool :), might as well do the BComm then ;)
  12. enak

    BE Software / BCom Finance @ UNSW??

    Besides the obvious differences, content wise, would there be much different?
  13. enak

    BE Software / BCom Finance @ UNSW??

    So I can enrol in that course in the middle of next year? BTW, is there much difference, advantage/disadvantage in doing the BComm instead of the MComm?
  14. enak

    BE Software / BCom Finance @ UNSW??

    I looked in the UAC guide, but didn't find this course. Does anyone know what the 2003 cutoff was?
  15. enak

    best 3u/4u math text book?

    Our school uses the Patel blue/purple book, not the excel one, I think its a good book.
  16. enak

    moderation help

    Lets get a scenario person a/b/c/d/e/f internal marks 90/80/70/40/30/20 external marks (hsc exam) 80/90/30/70/50/40 What would be the resultant rank/mark for each person?
  17. enak

    ATTENTION - UAI Seeker

    Thats correct, but you see, the top of 4u pretty much all work hard for their marks and hence about 40-45% of 4u candidates get band6. Perhaps for other subjects it might be easier.
  18. enak

    High Uai

    maybe you should change adv to std english on person b in either case i think person a will achieve a higher uai. are these aligned marks, or percentile bands, if it were percentile bands i could estimate person a if u wish, except for phy i do sdd Your 2003 UAI is: 97.65 But sdd...