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  1. T

    Bond 2008

    Meh. There are some nice fountains, but a lot of the architecture is pretty uninspired, and it's on the Gold Coast so there's so much fucking glare around all the time that you can't actually see anything without squinting. Yes.
  2. T

    Arts and science

    Not government subjects, actually - it can be any two junior units from the faculty of economics and business (which as of 2008 doesn't include government). The BAS is basically an arts degree but with a few pointless core units and an option to replace the arts major with a science major...
  3. T

    Enrol online?

    You'll need to both accept your offer online via UAC, and then later enrol with the university. For almost all courses, enrolment must be done in person on campus. You can appoint someone else to do it for you, however. There's a form you can fill out somewhere.
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    General consensus appears to be that first-year Usyd GOVT subjects are shite, but they get better in second and third year. GOVT1101 Australian Politics is the only particularly good junior sub available, but you'll have to do two of them to qualify for senior units, so you might just have to...
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    B Economic & Social Sciences

    I'm not doing this course, but I can answer a few of the questions. You'll probably end up with about 12 contact hours per week, although depending on your subjects it could be higher. If you're capable enough with the language to skip straight to senior level, there's no reason not to. You...
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    BCom - do i have a chance?

    Bachelor of Economics Bachelor of Commerce You could structure a BEc first year to be identical to a BComm first year, and then transfer and lose no time at all. Something along the lines of ECON1001, ECON1002, ECMT1010, ACCT1001, ACCT1002, MKTG1001/INFS1000 and two junior electives.
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    BA to BA (media and communications)

    It'd be possible, yeah. Since the cutoff is so high you'd still need a fairly good UAI, and you'd need to go well in first year, but there's nothing that would completely prevent it happening.
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    Dr President Ron Paul

    God these people are idiots. But since Ron Paul's base is fanatical, that would mean that a higher proportion of total supporters are donating, yes? And if 12 million primary voters support Ron Paul, that would be showing up in the polls. Oh no, wait, the MSM!1!1!1!! are faking the polls...
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    Permanent Resident not Eligible for Hecs/CSP?

    Yep, that's right. A friend of mine was in your position and became an Australian citizen early in the year to avoid having to pay upfront.
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    DFEE CONFUSION. Please clear it up

    Nope. DFEE is 3.5-4 times more expensive than HECS.
  11. T

    Subjects 2008

    Probably. Doesn't make much difference to me, since I have to do it to do Research Issues in Roman Studies and then ANHS honours.
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    Subjects 2008

    Switched from ARCA2616 to ANHS2691 (Ancient Historians Rethink History) in Semester 2. I'm considering replacing HSTY2618 and GOVT2116 with Latin as well.
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    Subjects 2008

    Why is performance studies compulsory?
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    Voice recorder and laptop on lecturs

    A lot of subjects also record lectures and put the recordings online, so you may not need your own tape recorder for some of them.
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    2008 Transfers!! =]

    Current course: Arts at Sydney Aim: Arts/Law at Sydney UAI: 94.50 GPA: 6.125 NRSL: 95.25 Probably no chance, but hey, I can hope.
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    Social Science & History? Psychology is a Part B subject. You can do 24cp of them in BSocSci, so you can study psych, but you wouldn't be able to fit in a major (which for psych is 48cp, I think).
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    Cut off question

    Possibly. What course is it, and what uni?
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    USyd or UNSW Law - PLEASE HELP!!!

    The new Usyd law building is opening next year, new combined law students will be spending all their time on main campus.
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    BCom - do i have a chance?

    If you don't get the UAI for commerce, you could try applying for B Economics. It's very similar to the BCom, and if you do reasonably well you can transfer into BCom after your first year.
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    2008 timetable

    I have a three hour lecture in Semester 2 :(