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  1. SoCal

    Need help.

    Two of my two hour lectures clash so do you recommend me going to one hour of each lecture or alternating between them each week:confused:?
  2. SoCal

    demerit points need DESPERATE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yeah, but as if anyone is going to go to court over a $130 fine (unless for moral reasons). As has been reported before it will cost you more in court fees:(.
  3. SoCal

    Battlestar Galactica.

    Yeah, questioning whether they should have taken the role of God:). What is there not to get:)?
  4. SoCal

    the OC

  5. SoCal

    demerit points need DESPERATE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!

    They won't take you to court. They will either let you off or they won't. If they don't then you have to pay the fine:).
  6. SoCal


    Don't worry, season four hasn't aired in Australia yet:).
  7. SoCal

    Are you at uni more then Highschool

    Well the sane thing to do would be to not do Greek:p.
  8. SoCal

    demerit points need DESPERATE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yeah, I can support that. My mate lost two or three demerit points when he crashed when he was on his Red P's (P1). Now he is on his Greens P's (P2) and doesn't have the full six points:). As for writing a letter of explanation, my parents have each done it once saying that they had an...
  9. SoCal

    demerit points need DESPERATE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!

    That is wrong;). You got that right. I know from experience:(.
  10. SoCal

    Are you at uni more then Highschool

    I spend much less time at University per week than I did at High-school. I went to school for about six and a half hours per day five, days a week during High-school, which equates to thirty-two and a half hours at school per week. This is compared to my eleven/twelve hours I will be at...
  11. SoCal

    ethernet help

    Haha, can you get any more vague:p?
  12. SoCal


    Well that was just OK in my opinion. There is definitely is a lot of tension. I think it is more drama focused than most of the other teen shows:).
  13. SoCal


    Yeah, I thought they were pretty good. I missed the Keyboarder falling over but he did look out of it:p.
  14. SoCal


    Yeah, I will be there:).
  15. SoCal

    the OC

    The first time was at the party where Ryan comes to help Seth when he is getting beaten up by Luke. I think Seth walks in on a threesome in the bathroom (or it might have been in the bedroom). The second time is when Sandy walks in on a threesome in his bedroom after Hailey throws a party at...
  16. SoCal


    His name is actually John Locke:).
  17. SoCal


    As I was saying nothing much really happened. The group that hiked up the mountain to get the transceiver working decided to keep the message a secret so as not to cause panic and to keep the other survivors hopes alive. Jack and Hurley find a mug-shot of Kate but at the end Jack decides not to...
  18. SoCal


    Oh, I forgot that there was a couple of things that I found interesting/weird and which brought up some questions. It was where the father of the child that lost his dog said to his son, "I will find the dog when it stops raining" and then it immediately stopped raining and turned...
  19. SoCal


    Well it seems to be quite obvious to them and us that se did something pretty bad:). OK, so a lot of small things happened in this episode that paves the way for later on. OK, I can accept that:). He was murdering him either way:).
  20. SoCal

    the OC

    Are you sure you watched the first season:p?