Search results

  1. michael1990

    Majors In Psychology

    Sorry i am no help to your original post. But I was thinking about majoring in Behavioural Science?
  2. michael1990

    Best Pizza

    Eagle Boys. Or Panarottis SO GOOD!
  3. michael1990

    Getting a Job. Before Hsc or after Hsc

    He does Tennis Training.
  4. michael1990

    Amount of free periods?

    I agree. I have the same amount of 'Study Periods' as you. But you con me into other stuff. Which in turn is equal to less productivity!
  5. michael1990

    Screw HSC markers

    A Head Teacher at my school. Which is also a Head Marker had told us that all papers are marked by 2 teachers.
  6. michael1990

    Screw HSC markers

    Wrong. They are remarked by 2 HSC markers on different tables. What happens is: A marker will get a pile of papers to mark, they then mark them, they put 1 line through the cover of the paper and record the mark given. They then bundle all their papers and they are given to another person at...
  7. michael1990

    what's more demanding ?2 ext subjects or 2 unit subject?

    agreed. it also depends on individuals preferences and intelligence.
  8. michael1990

    Teachers Being Away!!!!

    Well just ring them, and send a letter. Best way to avoid it.
  9. michael1990

    Teachers Being Away!!!!

    It definitely works. Also, if you feel as though you will be targeted by teachers or executive members, you can be anonymous.
  10. michael1990

    BJ's at schools

    Unfortunately for Aaron. He has already tried to suck me off, but i have refused. Poor Aaron.
  11. michael1990

    Teachers Being Away!!!!

    We had a very similar situation in Economics. This is what you need to do. You need to go to the Deputy or Principal, tell them you will not stand for this any longer. They need to fix it immediately. If they say its under control. Tell them you are sick of hearing this and if they do not...
  12. michael1990

    Is coming to school compulsory after trial exams?

    I cannot remember. I do know that we are at school until sometime in September.
  13. michael1990

    BJ's at schools

    Would love my school to adopt this fantastic idea.
  14. michael1990

    Girls asking boys out or the other way around!

    Would love for the girl to ask me out instead. It would be so much easier. A girl with a little confidence would be nice?
  15. michael1990

    Getting a Job. Before Hsc or after Hsc

    If i were you. I would look for a job now, work weekends and friday nights if applicable. Or Wait till after the HSC and go for a job then.
  16. michael1990

    Indiana jones and the kingdom of the crystal skull

    I thought it was awesome, and i really don't like Indiana Jones. Good acting, nice story. Overall 4/5.
  17. michael1990

    Favorite Energy Drink

    Your not allowed to have them in Exams. Unfair advantage or something.
  18. michael1990

    Preliminary Economics Notes

    I suppose its personal preference. I like Leading Edge. And i also like Riley. All depends?
  19. michael1990

    Harry Potter 7: Two Films

    The closest book-to-movie was number 5.
  20. michael1990

    Harry Potter 7: Two Films

    I love Harry Potter with a passion. I have read each book at least 20 times each, if not more. I know where or close to which chapter and such things happen. The movies will never be the same as the books.