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  1. michael1990

    CASE STUDY NEEDED: OH&S, Anti Discrimnation or Equal Employment Opportunities

    I don't have links they are books/notes - you will have to purchase them.
  2. michael1990

    Preliminary Economics Notes

    Best bet would be to make them yourself. Or whatever you're weakest at do those, post them up here and people will give you feedback. Also, Leading Edge Workbooks are really good.
  3. michael1990

    Hillarious Anal Sex Story

    Holy Fuck LOL I laughed so hard. Who cares if its a troll it was hilarious.
  4. michael1990

    Need Help For Osama Bin Laden Please Read!!

    Maybe read a little? Also, don't use wikipedia in your references.
  5. michael1990

    how do i know if i have a top 100 school?

    You laugh. And sometimes comment something funny. They will enjoy it.
  6. michael1990

    how do i know if i have a top 100 school?

    No. If you study really really hard. Make sure your the top of all your subjects. Such as number 1-5. Smash your external exams. And you should do fine. Remember the rankings are only determined from the last years results. If a school did really bad, their ranking will go down. It has...
  7. michael1990

    how do i know if i have a top 100 school?

    HA HA HA! Sweetheart. Relax. Its called trolls (people who just are out to annoy)
  8. michael1990

    how do i know if i have a top 100 school?

    What is your school rank? Can you make your writing a little bigger. I don't want it difficult to read, otherwise i won't read it LOL.
  9. michael1990

    how do i know if i have a top 100 school?

    Look on this list for the schools rank. SAM is only really accurate when you find out your HSC marks. It is however a good indication of what sort of UAI you should be expecting with those marks.
  10. michael1990

    UAI estimation please

    Not really. They may be buying papers. They may be making a lot harder papers because of previous abysmal HSC results. So in fact. The schools ranking does not matter when the UAI is calculated.
  11. michael1990

    Amount of free periods?

    Thats my bloody frees. It sucks. I really want to work in them. But i can't seem to get motivated. Usually i just walk around and chat. Or get a laptop and go on BOS. ARHHHH Curse it.
  12. michael1990

    UAI estimation please

    Mid to high marks will scale okay. Bad marks will scale you down.
  13. michael1990

    Athletics Carnivals

    I have never actually heard of students 'mucking' up on at an athletics carnival.
  14. michael1990

    Economics Essay Help

    We need to ask, what happened for them to make those stupid mistakes and how do we help? Its not like the government says, okay lets give every drug/alcohol addict a pension.
  15. michael1990

    UAI estimation please

    School does not matter in the calculation of the UAI.
  16. michael1990

    CASE STUDY NEEDED: OH&S, Anti Discrimnation or Equal Employment Opportunities

    In the Qantas case study i have it has everything. It goes by the dot points of the syllabus.
  17. michael1990

    CASE STUDY NEEDED: OH&S, Anti Discrimnation or Equal Employment Opportunities

    Your school should be able to provide you with case studies as you have to study one for the HSC. Or you could go down to your local library and grab something from there. Qantas and Harvey Norman are really good.
  18. michael1990

    UAI estimation please

    Above 80. I would just say use SAM its much much more acurate.
  19. michael1990

    Amount of free periods?

    We are supposed to be studying in the library and sometimes the librarians come up to 'our area' and ask us what we are doing. We get away with whatever. I get a subject worth. I can't remember the exact amount. But usally 1 period a day.