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  1. axlenatore

    2008 CSSA Bio Exam Thoughts/Results

    Re: CSSA Bio exam thoughts Arterial blood gas analysis isnt used in surgery to my knowledge, do to its nature, it takes time to test a blood sample using electrochemical processes, so it wouldnt really help in monitoring i always thought it was more for diagnosis, non invasive tests such as...
  2. axlenatore

    General thoughts on the 2008 CSSA Trial Extension 1 Mathematics Paper

    We had an edited version, which i didnt crap at....
  3. axlenatore

    2008 CSSA Bio Exam Thoughts/Results

    Re: CSSA Bio exam thoughts Just finished, i wanted to redo a question but ran out of time halfway through
  4. axlenatore

    2008 CSSA Bio Exam Thoughts/Results

    Re: CSSA Bio exam thoughts There was a colour blind question in there as well, you may not have done the cssa paper
  5. axlenatore

    The Official Football Thread 08/09

    The spl gets good players, but when other teams notices this they normally buy them, such as henrik lasson, and recently the rangers defend, forget his nice since rangers are scum :uhoh: . Hhaha but the spl has get lots of talent, eg Aiden Mcgready, who in a game against ac milan prompter...
  6. axlenatore

    2008 CSSA Bio Exam Thoughts/Results

    Re: CSSA Bio exam thoughts It was on penguins, wing tipped colours, i was happy with the long response, much simpler than expected but still i dont think i talked to deeply into vaccines as a should of.
  7. axlenatore

    2008 CSSA Bio Exam Thoughts/Results

    Re: CSSA Bio exam thoughts Better than expected, there was a couple of things which threw me off, but i think i got through them, we didnt uses to cssa core though. When i first looked at the carbon dioxide question is was like wtf but i think i get through it and the use of the word...
  8. axlenatore

    Chemistry Class of 2008 Roll Call

    I do chemistry...forensic represent
  9. axlenatore

    Your top 25 videogames of all time

    Cant think of 25 but some good games are- - Counter strike - Warcraft 3 - Baldurs gate (PC) - Baldurs gate 2 SOA (PC) - Oblivion - Morrowind - GTA vice city - Red Faction 2 (PS2) freaking awesome game ahah - Rise of nations - The fifa games
  10. axlenatore

    How much detail for DNA fingerprinting?

    Its in genetics the code broken
  11. axlenatore

    Highly Variable DNA

    For highly variable DNA in dot point (2-iv), is the highly variable dna the microsatellites and how the base pair repeats differ between individuals?
  12. axlenatore

    P's test

    make sure you indicate and check your blind spots
  13. axlenatore

    Telling The Truth Related..

    I wanted to use the bible as a source in an ancient history project last year, i wanted to study jesus but my teacher said there wasnt enough evidence for his existance....thats rich coming from a teacher at a catholic school
  14. axlenatore

    shcoolies and sex

    Do you want your dinner to be on the table at 5 pm everynight you get home from work cause if are in the wrong decade
  15. axlenatore

    chemical composition of enzymes?

    That comes up in the option im doing in chemistry, there is three structure of proteins the primary (amino acid chains) secondary helix strand formed by the peptide bond not making a completely linear chain and finally the tertiary structure which is when the chains form the globular shape...
  16. axlenatore

    CSSA Mathematics Advanced Paper

    Itll be because you either put the wrong values in, used the wrong formula or as someone already said we in the wrong mode on your calculator, you can still get part marks though
  17. axlenatore

    CSSA Mathematics Advanced Paper

    I thought it was a fair paper, harder than past ones but fairish. Are you referring to the ship question with the bearing cause is so then you needed to use the cosine rule
  18. axlenatore

    CSSA Mathematics Advanced Paper

    when i first saw it i was like wtf but started to get it, but unfortunately ran out of time
  19. axlenatore

    How much detail for DNA fingerprinting?

    You just need to know how it works and what it can be used for
  20. axlenatore

    the 8 mark question

    It depends on what the question is, but you have to make sure you answer the question as corresponding to the verb ie using the language of the verb and including all information and reasoning, ie if its a justify why your model is a good one say why its a good model ie this model is justified...