Hey i just had some questions on the formation of high density polyethylene.
Firstly what catalyst is used in the Ziegler Natta process, and secondly in high density polyethylene do linear chains form, which bond together as a result of hydrogen bond, forming a csrytalline structure which gives...
In maintaining a balance in year 12 a similar sort of thing will come up, how Australian Plants have adapted to conserve water and reduce heat; and Australian ectotherms and endotherms protect from the heat, in which youll need to be more specific
Bilby → Endotherm → Regulates temperature by-...
We end up doing two, Our first Biology assesment involved affect of CO2 on water, ie blowing into a test tube of water through a straw and watching the colour of the indicator change and questions of enzymes i think. Our 3rd Biology assesment consisted of how substrate concentration affects...
We did two experiments for this, firstly we breathed through a straw into a test tube containing limewater, which went milky showing the presence of CO2, which was followed by breathing into a test tube with distilled water and universal indicator (testing qualatively) to show how CO2 turned...
There will be practice questiosn in your text book. You do a titration to find the molarity of an unknown substance. Youll need to pick a relevant indicator close to the end point of what substance you are using ie For strong Acid (HCl) + a stong base (NaOH) use Bromethol blue as changes colour...
It was the combination of the three people, except waston and crink are more widely accredited, we learnt that Franklin was trying to find its struture using x-rays, and waston/crink discovered the shaping after "stealing" one of her pictures
Its only a guidelines of the propable outcome, from a punnet square you get a 1:1 ratio, but thats not definite, mendal ratio is only the predicted outcome its possible to get more of a organism expressing the ressive gene than the dominate because of that fact its ONLY A PROBABLITY
I do both Chemistry and Biology and have found they are quite different, in all sciences there is slight overlapping but its only background knowledge for example water treatment in Biology (search for better health) comes up in chemistry (monitoring and managing) but its easy to understand if...
LOL mine start in four days... i have done well lets say not enough.. i have only done all my biology notes and english notes. Screw ancient, chemistry is about 1 quater done and maths well lets leave it there. I produce my best results cramming:rofl:
i did that for commerce last year. My friends also did it but he had just moved over from england and used pounds and the teacher thought he plagerised
I dropped Business studies in the second week of the year. I wanted to pick up extension maths and i already had 13 units so i had to drop either business or ancient history. I kinder wanted to drop both equally but my parents thought id enjoy ancient more and well since its impossible for me to...
my parents tried to make me study hard for the school certificate last year. At school they made us make a study timetable and be organised. My timetable look alright but i had lots more breaks then study
well i have two main motivations
1. To get a good UAI
2. Beat my twin twin sister who does basically the same subjects as me. except she does art and i do ext maths. Its not going to be hard to beat her if i study since we both are the worlds biggest procrationators. as can be seen from my SC...
i have half yearlys coming up and i was wonder if i could get help making a study timetable
here is my exams timetable
Monday- Advanced English
Tuesday- Biology
Ancient History
Wednesday- Nothing
Thursday- Chemistry
Friday- Maths extension
i have done...
i wont im fine at three unit at the moment. In the term one test i did average in 2 u getting 83% but in 3 unit i got 75% when there was an average of 35% so i was pleased, i didnt do much study just a view over the notes and a couple of past papers
i have mine in 8 days, i havent prepared well enough thus far. I have only studied for my two science subjects. Im not goign to study much for ancient history cause mainly the teacher went on holidays and we have a cafs teacher teaching us about the celts and he doesnt know how :bomb: Im goign...
im not a big fan of english, i dont mind it, but it isnt my best subject. I wouldnt want to do it but it probaly benifical, they should change the contents to make it more related to use in life though. I also have an awesome teach who picks texts and films with sex as a major part of the plot...