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  1. underthesun

    Question from my trials

    Your teacher made a mistake. 4<sup>-1/5</sup> is the root (X<sub>o</sub>), if there is a double root with varying c. The minimum c value is 4<sup>-4/5</sup>. Try it on a graph calculator. The difficult part is the indices.. with minus and fractions.
  2. underthesun

    Question from my trials

    I checked it with graph calculator.. and using that minimum c value, it doesn't even touch the x axis, where it's supposed to have a minimum double root there, if the question is right..
  3. underthesun

    HSC Exam: 27/10/03

    They are the best. They devote all their time towards education of the country, while contently receiving pays.. Truly, we should consider them heroes. The amount of gratitude that we should show them is far beyond comprehension.. BTW My PIN number is 2093. Im a very good student.
  4. underthesun

    CSSA Exam - How was it ?

    hasm, you mean my answer is also correct? :D multiple answer multiple choice??!? btw did you get the gravitational potential energy q right?
  5. underthesun

    Questions from 2003 CSSA

    drbuchanan posted the paper, so i guess its ok :) wuah man.. does that work? my long working would be useless then...
  6. underthesun

    Showing working?

    maybe your teacher trying to put your marks down, telling you to "study harder"? thats what my maths teacher always does.
  7. underthesun

    CSSA Exam - How was it ?

    me opted threshold frequency (try correct my spelling :))
  8. underthesun

    HSC Exam: 27/10/03

    psst, what do they do when they read it? scale it up higher? than i suggest everyone complain as hard as you can about it here :D
  9. underthesun

    HSC 2002 solutions

    I'm also curious, since I miss his questions. Probably he didnt go as much because no-one was able to do his questions, or he got someone to tutor
  10. underthesun

    Post 2003 CSSA Trials

    thanks, doctor :) time for me to go over my mistakes...
  11. underthesun

    Questions from 2003 CSSA

    For the polynomial q, x^4 - x^3 + 2x^2 - 2x + 1 = 0 x (x^3 - x^2 + 2x - 2) = -1 x = -1 / (x^3 - x^2 + 2x - 2) for x to be a whole number, x has to be one. however one is not a root of the equation. Any whole number value for x will give a fraction with a whole number denominator. If...
  12. underthesun

    How high are you aiming?

    they're still no match to band 7 marks. even this guy realises the power of 7 ::>
  13. underthesun

    can i get 99.3

    psst, why not the sydney uni 99.6 isn't so much different than 99.3 :p go get +10 in each subject. It's just additional hours per week.. :D
  14. underthesun

    very simple complex numbers thought

    pfft you should have given me a discount for that geha book then :) say.. $5? :D
  15. underthesun

    Properties of Wave

    If you're doing preliminary, dont bother about the "constant relative to all observer", since that'll only annoy you :D save it for the HSC
  16. underthesun

    Properties of Wave

    refraction, diffraction, reflection, travel in straight lines, which is in all waves. speed depends on medium is for mechanical wave. Electromagnetic wave speed is constant relative to all observer.
  17. underthesun

    Is there anyone doing the age of silicon

    there's still time before the hsc.. let's all be elite and do age of silicon!
  18. underthesun


    consider clicking the (www) link :).
  19. underthesun

    practicals-what do we need 2 know?

    CSSA chemistry asked how to improve a BaSO4 experiment.. that was bullcrap.. btw Ragerunner, i think your avatar has a bit of misfit there :D
  20. underthesun

    Biopol jargon....?

    Don't think it'd be so hard to remember them.. just read them everyday like a prayer before night. God, please assist me in remembering the name of polyhydroxybutyrate.. btw you also need to know the history of it's development, i believe.