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  1. underthesun

    Medical Physics dot points

    Or how about refraction allows the machine to calculate the direction of the surface in which the wave reflects / refracts?
  2. underthesun

    Medical Physics dot points

    Or since the wave is refracted, the wave won't reflect back to the same transducer. I got this on some website: Refraction If the ultrasound pulse strikes an interface at normal incidence, a percentage will be reflected back through the first medium, and a percentage will be transmitted...
  3. underthesun

    When Is Your Trial For chem?

    Me school CSSA too. But you know, it's supposed to be good for your HSC marks..
  4. underthesun

    When Is Your Trial For maths?

    Me CSSA. My school is turning catholic for physics, chemistry and maths it seems.. And they're damn hard tests..
  5. underthesun

    Longest Assignment Ever!!

    Feel bad for the markers, im sure they'd rather read harry potter...
  6. underthesun

    Medical Physics dot points

    Because of different acoustic impedances for different body organs / structures, the reflected waves depend on the acoustic impedance of the structure that the waves are propagating to. Using this information, an ultrasound transducer producing waves objected onto a body will reflect and refract...
  7. underthesun

    The Very Sexy Josie Alibrandi

    I guess I got your attention :D Can you tell me how the plot linearity and humour contributes to the shaping of the meaning of changing perspective in the novel? edit: And does anyone know any 2001 exam responses that I can get my hands on? I just tried it out, but I just want to know the...
  8. underthesun

    UAI prediction plz~~~~

    It's really hard to get that kind of low mark for 4unit and 3unit maths. The aligning is already high itself. Good luck :)
  9. underthesun

    bad teacher = bad UAI

    If you already know what the homework is about, screw it. You would know it anyways since you're studying ahead. Teachers asking you for useless extension work in year 11 / 12? Forget it. Screw him and get on with the syllabus. Being the teacher's pet means it'll be easier for you to ask for...
  10. underthesun

    How many people are doing 4 Unit

    Doing maths questions is very rewarding. It can be even better by keeping a maths skill level log, which increases everytime you finish a question : [ Maths Level Log ] {levels are independent of basic potential sum} {levels are sum of experiences} [ overal level : 32 ] [ 4U HSC raw...
  11. underthesun

    UAI prediction plz~~~~

    Is that your school marks? Or is that what you think you'll get as HSC marks?
  12. underthesun

    UAI of 95+ with these subjects

    But sdd is a bit crap at scaling. The rest is good though :) And yeah it'd be pretty easy, provided you get band 5/6 on all of them
  13. underthesun

    Prediction: Maxium Uai for these Subjects

    Well, that was basically his quote, except that I replaced "matrix" with "advanced course", "neo" with "waldo", and "zion" with "English Standard"
  14. underthesun

    Prediction: Maxium Uai for these Subjects

    man.. seen matrix reloaded? remember what the architect said about the matrix and zion :D
  15. underthesun

    Australian Maths Comp

    arrrrr.. bad luck. receiving distinction sucks.. but I dont' think anyone's going to be at school during the presentation right? term 4 i think..
  16. underthesun

    How many people are doing 4 Unit

    to see the average class size, we can divide the results by respective "class size" that a person votes. But im pretty curious how big 4unit class feels like?
  17. underthesun

    Australian Maths Comp

    Anyone got that f(n+3) question? I tried using the result to evaluate the changing function patterns (from n=8 forward forward etc), and it turns out that the answers alternate between few expressions, and in the selection the only answer available was that -<sup>-1</sup>/<sub>11</sub>answer. I...
  18. underthesun

    Prediction: Maxium Uai for these Subjects

    Please. As I was saying, BOS stumbled upon a solution whereby nearly 99.9% of all good students accepted the advanced course, as long as they were given a choice, even if they were only aware of the choice at a near unconscious level. While this answer functioned, it was obviously fundamentally...
  19. underthesun

    Prediction: Maxium Uai for these Subjects

    Hey recently i discovered the true scaling of standard and advanced, that they are both the same :D look here