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  1. Rahul


    not unless those idiots are ranked higher than you, which wont be the case as then you will be the idiot:D lol, they wont affect you.
  2. Rahul

    alternatives to not making acst

    cool, so i'll have the option of transferring to acturial/law?
  3. Rahul

    Help Please

    maybe for remembering passwords??!!?!
  4. Rahul

    progressive assessment rank?

    not sure, but i am guessing it your overall rank, or rank after you have completed more than one assessment. i'm assuming that it would take into consideration the weight of each assessment aswell. hope that helps:)
  5. Rahul

    yr 11 subject selections

    drop a subject if you cant manage the workload. but i recommend you try it out first. you might really enjoy a subject or really hate it, so dont rush into dropping a subject just yet.
  6. Rahul


    so basically, anyone who wants to do that double degree should pick B eng only? then if your marks and UAI is good enough you can pick transfer to Beng/Bcomm. cant you choose Bcom in the first yr then transfer to the double degree?
  7. Rahul

    alternatives to not making acst

    well you cant choose BE/BCom at unsw atm, there is no hecs code for it, let me know if there is tho, might have to consider it. edit/ read your post in unsw section:)
  8. Rahul

    The Mole

    or a she :p
  9. Rahul

    wat r state percentiles??

    how do you estimate them with a 'degree of accuracy'? i mean how can you say that i will be in about 70-80 percentile....
  10. Rahul

    To Sam Davis

    yes sam, i would also like to know......fowler has made his answers available;) :p j/k
  11. Rahul

    alternatives to not making acst

    yeh i'll be looking to do that...i had started out looking to do engineering/commerce, but then my mind changed....towards acturials:D i better get into one of these how is B commerce -accounting/ B law? the uai was like 95 last yr, quite low for a law degree, no? must be due to the fact...
  12. Rahul

    More probability. (Simple?)

    good luck in tryng to get that....all his posts seem to be 2 or 3 lines or 'working' at most. unlike other posts above....
  13. Rahul

    shit i failed 3u maths trial

    have you tried studying from diferent texts? that may help in understanding some concepts
  14. Rahul

    shit i failed 3u maths trial

    practice exam papers, the questions in exams can be different to the text books.
  15. Rahul

    Advice Line

    :rolleyes: in response to this initially...
  16. Rahul

    Advice Line

    which comes under mathematics for everyone(doing hsc)
  17. Rahul

    Advice Line

    dotty, electromagnetic photons is light, just a fancy way of saying it.:) lol c is used in mathematics. calculus in physics?!? there is none.
  18. Rahul

    what raw mark do u need to get in 4u to get band 6

    yes you would think that...50% of the people applying have to fit into 90-100.
  19. Rahul

    alternatives to not making acst

    i put these in last night. btw, i have to include BBA/B Accounting and BAppFin/B Accouting in there at the expence of other ones. 1. Bachelor of Commerce - Actuarial Studies at Macquarie University 2. Bachelor of Applied Finance at Macquarie University 3. Bachelor of Commerce - Accounting...
  20. Rahul

    Probability Tips

    i think so.:) cant wait to get into some of those questions :uhoh: