Search results

  1. michael1990

    Rove McManus or Chris Lilley

  2. michael1990

    Performance driving q

    I only do it, so there is no kangaroo jumping. Plus i like the sound of my exhaust lol.
  3. michael1990

    Male or Female? :o

  4. michael1990

    LA Times apologises for Tupac Story.

    No you don't loser. You don't even know his songs, LIAR!
  5. michael1990

    does going to a Crap School SCALE you down SETTLE IT HERE

    LOL well if they are the best. They had to have started from the bottom. You can't just over night become the best school. So if all schools followed the same princple of James Ruse. Wouldn't we all be better off? I mean it would also come down to a lot of things. Such as teachers...
  6. michael1990

    How long are your classes??

    I agree with you. It is very hard to believe.
  7. michael1990

    Changing the Subject

    was in the test as. x= x-y over xy
  8. michael1990

    LA Times apologises for Tupac Story.

    Does anyone really care what happened to him?
  9. michael1990

    Torch Relay Chaos

    HA HA HA i forgot about that! they were still hard arsed coppers.
  10. michael1990

    can't have sex

    You don't want to know about the Tasmanians then.
  11. michael1990

    Checking Blind Spots when turning

    The new Provisional licence test is all about observation. Even if you don't legally have to look over your shoulder and check your blind spot. Just do it. It will show the instructor that you are actually looking around and anticipating.
  12. michael1990

    giv up????

    Poetry Just Sucks Man
  13. michael1990

    Torch Relay Chaos

    All this talk about it should not come to Australia. OF COURSE IT SHOULD COME!!! Its a symbol of the Olympics and has been a symbol for many years. Let them protest then let the 'APEC' police at the protestors.
  14. michael1990

    Male or Female? :o

    YEAH COME ON! We have deliberated... NOW FOR THE ANSWER...
  15. michael1990

    School Attack 'retribution'

    LMAO! we know where the teachers hide their students now...
  16. michael1990

    Changing the Subject

    x=x-y/xy Make y the subject of the equation.
  17. michael1990

    School Attack 'retribution'

    Wow so that was at Marylands High School as well?
  18. michael1990

    School Attack 'retribution'

    I do agree i don't believe anyone of them would have an remorse at all. Did anyone see them in the back of the police car? Sticking their finger up and such. They are cool, they get to be charged.
  19. michael1990

    School Attack 'retribution'

    But i don't believe that. I do believe because they are of ethnic background they are prob been praised as the next 'extremists'.
  20. michael1990

    Economics scaling?

    I think thats a hard question. My opinion would be they are scaled just the same or if anything Legal may scale higher.