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  1. michael1990

    Is anyone planning to do a PhD in Business?

    He plays Tennis.
  2. michael1990

    Economics scaling?

    LOL maybe we should look it up. But i couldn't be bothered! can you?
  3. michael1990

    Road Trip???

    Yeah but if you had like 5-10 cars. You would just swap around cars. GET DRUNK LOL it would be the best fun. A lot of our friends have Utes, so it would be cool to camp, mad fun lol.
  4. michael1990

    How many words in one minute?

    Not sure how many i write. It all comes down to quality before quanitity.
  5. michael1990

    Sibling rivalry

    I don't think i will beat anyone of my siblings who did their HSC. IT SUCKS BALLS! My brothers are all earning above 100G Besides my twin. (have 4 brothers) Me=Youngest.
  6. michael1990

    Father and daugher have illegal child [INCEST WARNING]

    Well for NORMAL people it would be easy to do. But for the mentally challenged that 'sleep' with their DAUGHTER, i suppose its really really DIFFICULT and they can't do it? This makes me SICK!
  7. michael1990

    School Attack 'retribution'

    LOL agreed. I can't comprehend them going into a cupboard. ITS strange.
  8. michael1990

    Father and daugher have illegal child [INCEST WARNING]

    SO AGREED! she will have so many problems. What about schooling? What about asking to see her grandfather. OH WAIT! thats also her dad! its disgusting. I don't think these MORONS understand the problems that their INCEST daughter will have in society. ITS DISGUSTING and to come out...
  9. michael1990

    Father and daugher have illegal child [INCEST WARNING]

    Everything you said i agree with except the daughter committing suicide. THAT IS JUST CRUEL. Shouldn't we be helping her? She should be getting help now lol
  10. michael1990

    School Attack 'retribution'

    What's the bet, they get a Good Behaviour Bond for 2 or so years? And maybe if the Judge is in a bad mood, 100 hours community service?
  11. michael1990

    Economics scaling?

    I didn't think CAFS was scaled well at all. Oh i was meant to say all areas around the school. Social Science Vs Maths and such. I thought Legal would be scaled a lot higher. Not sure though, it was a calculated guess.
  12. michael1990

    School Attack 'retribution'

    HA HA HA family cycle. Well maybe they are being sent home to their parents house and being praised? Maybe being called the next extremists?
  13. michael1990

    School Attack 'retribution'

    This is true. But the school's reputation would be very tarnished now lol MORE than what it already was.
  14. michael1990

    School Attack 'retribution'

    LMAO i would never hide in the cupboard. I just find that really strange! like i could understand get under the table or stay up against the wall away from windows and such But the cupboard? Anyone see the kids out on the window at the end of it? With the news crews taping them...
  15. michael1990

    How am i going (marks included) ?

    lol sure was. But yeah its possible. It sucks because English is the only subject that is counted towards your UAI regardless of marks. Agreed?
  16. michael1990

    Road Trip???

    Anyone going on a Road Trip with friends? I think it would be the best idea. Stop at every pub, find somewhere to sleep that night. Not worrying about anything. Being able to drive wherever you want. WOULD BE AWESOME! agreed?
  17. michael1990

    Father and daugher have illegal child [INCEST WARNING]

    Oh okay. Then i take my statement back Anyone going to watch the story on channel 7 the um... Today Tonight?
  18. michael1990

    School Attack 'retribution'

    Teachers should be commended. Even though now for the school it is going to be very detrimental to their reputation.
  19. michael1990

    School Attack 'retribution'

    They didn't resist arrest. Just dropped their weapons and went into custody. They are being questioned. Nobody knows if they are students or ex-students. Just heard on 6pm news.
  20. michael1990

    School Attack 'retribution'

    CLAPS for the teacher who had the balls to stand up against the 14-16 year old TEENAGERS! Where are their parents? Throw them in gaol as well?