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  1. michael1990

    School Attack 'retribution'

    Just heard on the news that Teachers were telling the students to get in cupboards? WOW LOL That i believe is a little stupid.
  2. michael1990

    School Attack 'retribution'

    HA HA HA yeah it is. Everyone does it. Or do you only need to come from Marylands?
  3. michael1990

    How am i going (marks included) ?

    They must do SUPER WELL in their other subjects.
  4. michael1990

    Economics scaling?

    Then it would be Legal Studies. But we are talking about Economics against all areas of study.
  5. michael1990

    School Attack 'retribution'

    Whats everyone think? i think its terrible, how dare people do such a thing. 14-16 years of age. Don't they have anything better to do with their time? EDIT: Sorry people, forgot the link.
  6. michael1990

    Father and daugher have illegal child [INCEST WARNING]

    so that makes it alright? ITS BEYOND DISGUSTING! its terrible. He should be jailed and should have sex with a male. Even thats better than your OWN daughter. TERRIBLE
  7. michael1990

    How am i going (marks included) ?

    The better you can do, the higher your UAI will be. Just keep going!
  8. michael1990

    Whats Beter?

    WOW what a post lol Well they have only been thrashed if not bought brand new. Or from a relative that is a car enthusiast.
  9. michael1990

    expelled = ?

  10. michael1990

    How do teachers think of you and your year?

    lmao why is this?
  11. michael1990

    "Stop celebrity worship you dumb teens" - Governor-General says

    kick the little Paris Hilton people in the butt and send them home... NO THURSDAY NIGHTS FOR YOU.
  12. michael1990

    You KNOW you're an economics nerd when..

    Yep same ^^^
  13. michael1990

    expelled = ?

    You wont be affected in getting into UNI. Your UAI is what the UNI looks at with admission. What was the offence? Of course other private schools would not allow a 'trouble maker' into their school so it could harm your chances in getting into some.
  14. michael1990

    Biggest barrier

    Without MSN and such, BOS has become my new procrastination tool.
  15. michael1990

    How do teachers think of you and your year?

    Yeah, but they say that you have a number of bright students lol When you really only have about 10-20.
  16. michael1990

    How do teachers think of you and your year?

    Our year is to be seen as the most intellegent year to pass through in a number of years. Even though we have some real idiots.
  17. michael1990

    women with boobs

    WOW i didn't know that. Well not really that i care, cause i don't wear bras lol.
  18. michael1990

    women with boobs

    No i haven't.
  19. michael1990

    women with boobs

    Good, any girl should be proud of the 'assets' they have.