Search results

  1. Rahul

    Astro: Wien's and Stefan-Boltzmann Law...

    no, you dont need to know that. it was taken out of the syllabus when it was ammended. the teacher is a moron.:) we dont need to make any reference to wein's and the s-b laws.
  2. Rahul

    just entered .."geeks field" =)

    lol did u notice the ;)? :p
  3. Rahul

    How was Maq open day?

    haha yeh exactly, it was the first time i had been there. sif taking an hour bus ride:p
  4. Rahul

    Physics any one?

    okay, in an attempt to answer your question after last night's appaling posts:). hmmm...actually i cant find a dot-point relating to that question. perhaps i have missed it, can you point it out. i have a slight feeling it isnt really in the ammended syllabus. as far as the dot points...
  5. Rahul

    Wagging school?

    hhahaha i wagged religion today:D...i'm bad baby;):p wagging....its a pretty frequent thing for me. the school teaches jack shit
  6. Rahul

    just entered .."geeks field" =)

    bah i'm not addicted, i dont know what your talking about, this 'addiction'....pfft ;)
  7. Rahul

    Physics any one?

    oh my gosh! huy... hahahah this is a real shimmozzle(sp?) i should have included the likes of ;) and :p when i said, when did i say i'm not up for physics, i just dont know if i can explain it right now. when i initially posted, maybe if you put it in the physics section i thought that...
  8. Rahul

    Physics any one?

    when did i say i'm not up for physics, i just dont know if i can explain it right now. in my last post i meant that maybe if you post this in the physics section, then perhaps someone else may answer to this post.
  9. Rahul

    Physics any one?

    maybe if you put it in the physics section:)
  10. Rahul

    induction question

    yes i am indeed, why may you ask? funnniiiiii;)
  11. Rahul

    parametric question

    bah, you are supposed to use it when dealing with chords. i dont know what i was thinking. havent done parametric for a while and that was one of the things i vaguely remembered from doing it. its something to remember, but then again you have to use it at the right time.
  12. Rahul

    Forum Maintenance vII

    have some smilies been taken off? quite a few seem to be missing from the lot.
  13. Rahul

    parametric question

    well done:) i should have known that, coz i've done similar q's before *dumbass* i even thought of that identity:chainsaw:
  14. Rahul

    parametric question

    hmmm tricky one... x = t + 1/t dx/dt = ln(t) y = t^2 + 1/t^2 dy/dt = 2t - 2/t =(2t^2 - 2)/t^2 dy/dx = dy/dt / dx/dt = (2t^2 - 2)/t^2.ln(t) mmm...i have no idea really:p i'll leave this up, just in case it helps.
  15. Rahul

    The Shittest Movie Ever.

    chech and chong its so shit, only the last few minutes of stand up/slapstick comedy was funny, but those few minutes were hillarious actually
  16. Rahul

    induction question

    yeh thanks:) you just need to incorporate S(k) result in the S(k+1) statement. you can work backwards, by placing the S(k) result in the S(k+1) statement(after factorisation) and working out an answer that way. thats the way i do it anyway.
  17. Rahul

    I Need Notes!!

    have u tried the notes section on the main site?
  18. Rahul

    Forum Maintenance vII

    whenever someone posts a helpful post, you give them a point or something. it encourages helpful posts. you actually click on a button to give them that point
  19. Rahul

    induction question

    assume: 5^n + 2 x 11^n =3I, I = 1, 2, 3.... consider n=1, 5 + 22 = 27 = 3I, where I=9 .'. true for n=1 assume n=k, consider n = k, 5^k + 2 x 11^k = 3I ** , I = 1,2,3... consider n = k+1 5^(k+1) + 2 x 11^(k+1)=3I =5^k x 5 + 2 x 11 x 11^k =5.5^k + 22.11^k =5(5^k +2.11^k) +...
  20. Rahul

    How did you find/hear about us?

    hhaha i would have.....once upon a time.