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  1. Rahul

    Space: section 3 DP's

    SECTION 3 is: Space is held together by gravity, right? the old syllabus had something about future space travel. the only similarity is the last DP on slingshot effect has anyone noticed this? what have u done about it? NB- u can find the old syllabus at the start of all texts i think.
  2. Rahul

    4u CSSA estimate mark /120

    ~60 hopefully
  3. Rahul

    finished trial?

    yep finished:D there is whole thread with the things like, "damn", "that was hard", etc.... there are few in the Bos notes section.....try to do as many as u can b4 ur exam. get the ones with soutions
  4. Rahul

    my uai

    small school...i still think mid-70's
  5. Rahul

    Syd Uni summer school

    did u go to the one at the start of this year? Edit: jus read ur first post:D, so u did one of the presentations did u
  6. Rahul

    Best Physics Textbook?

    u have been reported.... surfing is really good for relativity i find. i still dont like working thru it tho....just sticking to the syllabus. BUT, it does look at the experiments i think, with results :D
  7. Rahul

    changing worlds extra material..

    hve u checked out,
  8. Rahul

    How do you write a synopsis or precis?

    yep synopsis is simply a high-class word for summary...i wouldnt know what a precis is tho
  9. Rahul

    Predict Trials Mark(CSSA)

    ur just joking around arent u?
  10. Rahul

    calling yr 10s

    hey kaz, adv eng- try to learn skills, ie- how to write essays, feature article, dont need to know the actual texts u study in yr 11 for yr 12, they have no links. 3u maths ext1- keep up to date with all work and try to get hands on preliminary past papers. i found that many ppl go really...
  11. Rahul

    SC mark!!

    i havent read the pages for a while, anyone posted all 100's ?:D
  12. Rahul

    School / Subject

    my cousin used to go there....she did her hsc like 3/4 years ago tho
  13. Rahul

    Best prelim physics textbook?

    make sure u realise that the syllabus will be the most important 'text' for most subjects...
  14. Rahul

    English Ext 1

    i did something like this in advanced eng. i did it on spiderman, the movie. it followed some of those stages in a 'quest' i think.
  15. Rahul

    Whats ure fav topic in Physics ?

    astro>I2I>space>>>>>>>>>>M&G i like astro coz its really easy to understand and I2I coz it so damn interesting...very close 1 and 2
  16. Rahul

    impact of ac generators on society

    in questions u will be asked to look at both, effects(advantages/disadvanteges) on society AND the environment. SOCIETY +everything electrically mechanised +lives made easier -reduction in unskilled jobs that can be computated -increase in unemployment ENVIRONMENT -burnign of fossil...
  17. Rahul

    CSSA trials. LOOKING FOR INFO ??!

    no! everypost u make...every step u take i'll be watching..... until monday hehehehehe :D:lol:
  18. Rahul


    1. 2. go to "SYLLABUSES" on the top left hand corner 3. select "P" 4. scroll down and find physics. :) NB- make sure u get the ammended/corrected one. if u dont find it, reply back and i'll post it up.
  19. Rahul

    Best Physics Textbook?

    ok. where did that come from?
  20. Rahul


    cant stress that enough! it will take ages, 5-6 hrs even, to make notes on each me u will get it with enough work good luck! :)