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  1. bazookajoe

    Soccer Thread : 2004-05

    I'm not. I think it's crap. At the very least Man City shoulda got the UEFA Cup spot.
  2. bazookajoe

    every south park episode

    I remember an episode in which Stan started hanging out with those smoking goth kids, forgot what it was called though.
  3. bazookajoe

    Rock Music!

    Amen dotto. That is the classic emo template, and you can occasionally chuck in a slitting wrist/throat reference.
  4. bazookajoe

    Soccer Thread : 2004-05

    That's day old news. And Man City were already left out of the UEFA Cup.
  5. bazookajoe

    Foo Fighters

    I can't believe you didn't know they were in Australia!
  6. bazookajoe

    Comedy INC.

    OK. Australian fast bowler is crap, and on Skithouse. I apologise. But Comedy Inc is still terrible.
  7. bazookajoe

    Mr & Mrs Smith

    Is that the guy from the OC? Aah turned me off completely. I'm just guessing it's gonna be the type of movie that you just wanna waste like two hours on, with nothing better to do. Not a cultural experience, or an eye opener. Just something to do to kill some time.
  8. bazookajoe

    every south park episode

    I loved that episode. It makes it even more funny when you see how bad the movie is. I'm pretty sure it's You Got Fucked in the Ass. I assume that because they said F'd in the A on Saturday in that episode. Best. Line. Ever.
  9. bazookajoe

    foo fighters - in your honour rating

    I want it so bad!
  10. bazookajoe

    Mr & Mrs Smith

    It's rated M I think. You guys ain't gonna get squat.
  11. bazookajoe

    Top 5 Favourite Directors of Recent Times

    Don't know HOW you can say that! It's an amazing film, one of my faves. But hey, I guess it just comes down to opinion.
  12. bazookajoe

    Comedy INC.

    Agreed. Australian Fast Bowler should be shot.
  13. bazookajoe

    Mr & Mrs Smith

    Movie prices are a joke these days. Everything from the tickets to the friggin' bottled water.
  14. bazookajoe

    Soccer Thread : 2004-05

    Actim is rubbish. How can the top Bolton player only be 32nd? We got six representatives in there, can't believe we got less than Villa, even though we finished in 6th and they finished 10th.
  15. bazookajoe

    A LOT of stuff on there. Has its good and bad aspects, but overall a great find.
  16. bazookajoe

    The White Stripes - "Get Behind Me Satan" BRILLIANT!!!

    I liked Elephant, so I might go out and get this.
  17. bazookajoe

    Rest in Peace Mrs Robinson

    *Jesus loves you more than you will know* Rest in peace.
  18. bazookajoe

    diary - chuck palahniuk

    Brilliant author, haven't read this though. Any good?
  19. bazookajoe

    wat is it the youth of today really want

    Sex, Violence, Drugs, Rock 'n Roll, Booze, Bad Language
  20. bazookajoe

    Russel Crowe arrested for chucking a phone at a hotel employee

    I was thinkin' the exact same thing. That episode was classic.