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  1. Fenwickinho

    Share your 2009 ATAR here

    94. A little annoyed as I wanted to get into the Physio course (97) but thought to myself at the start of Year 12 that I'd have to have no life to get that ATAR - so I didn't put as much effort in as I could have (did everything last minute, including studying for exams). And now I'm 3...
  2. Fenwickinho


  3. Fenwickinho

    Question that needs answering..

    Nah I haven't haha.. why'd you think that?
  4. Fenwickinho

    Question that needs answering..

    Lol, thanks Steve.
  5. Fenwickinho

    Question that needs answering..

    Hey guys, Just wondering what my overall general maths mark will roughly be and how it will affect my ATAR? I'm rank 1/25 in my grade with an assessment mark of roughly 90. Just came out of the exam and I really don't feel to good about it - made many stupid mistakes, and I reckon I'll...
  6. Fenwickinho

    Hey Hey It's Saturday Jackson 5 skit is racist?

    My two cents worth: Something like this SHOULDN'T be seen as offensive and racist, but unfortunately with everything that has happened throughout history things like this will be seen in that way - due to the fact that certain people in society will always have the intention of slagging...
  7. Fenwickinho

    History & Memory Visual Representation

    Hey! Thanks so much for that.. really appreciate it :) Ideas for a comic.. hmm - maybe you could base your comic around an object or image that represents history (for example, a doll missing a leg) and a group of people looking at the doll from different areas. Their perspectives...
  8. Fenwickinho

    2009 trials. what did you think?

    Pretty easy exam, and with minimal study. I WISH every subject was as simple as General Maths!
  9. Fenwickinho

    Extension II English Submission 28/08/09

    I have ALOT of white space in my Major Work... Short Story = 46 pages Reflection Statement = 4 pages Bibliography = 5 pages
  10. Fenwickinho

    8000 Word Limit!

    Ok cheers. I think its worth mentioning that about 350-400 words of my major work consist of the headings. Nonetheless, I will be spending these next few days ruthlessly editing!
  11. Fenwickinho

    History & Memory Visual Representation

    Hey guys, In a little over a week I have an assessment due on "History & Memory" in which we have to address the statement: "History is as unreliable as memory" We have to focus on our prescribed text (The Queen) and TWO texts of our own choosing, and present our findings in...
  12. Fenwickinho

    What two prescribed texts are you using for Crime Fiction?

    You can choose to do 2 or 3 prescribed texts, but my english teacher has always told us that "less is more" - in other words, you're alot better off studying 2 prescribed texts in analysing them in alot of detail than doing 3 and not looking at them in so much detail. She's an HSC marker...
  13. Fenwickinho

    Bad internal mark. How fill this effect my external?

    Alot depends on what rank you are man - not so much what mark you get.
  14. Fenwickinho

    8000 Word Limit!

    I'm dull if I can't stick to a word limit? Lol, how does that work..
  15. Fenwickinho

    To all those who have exceeded the word limit and gotten away with it

    I'm in the same boat as you buddy - about 500ish words over after editing it down from over 9000. Editing it down to about 8200-8300 should be fine I'm guessing. And I'm pretty sure you don't have to declare the word count.. you can if you want, but it isn't necessary.
  16. Fenwickinho

    8000 Word Limit!

    Hey Guys, Anyone have any idea of how leniant the BOS will be on the 8000 word limit for our short stories? I know for assessments the general rule is 10% over or under - I somehow doubt that the BOS will let us go 800 words over though. My story is currently roughly 8600 words - after...
  17. Fenwickinho

    Change in EE2 Internal Assessments effective 2010.

    Hmm.. yeah glad that isn't in effect this year. I've done alot of planning and research, and left the writing and editing till near the end (its just the way I work best) - the whole idea of getting a draft done.. I guess its good for most people, but it sure wouldn't work well for me!
  18. Fenwickinho

    UAI to ATAR conversion table

    Thanks ;)
  19. Fenwickinho

    UAI to ATAR conversion table

    Could someone please post up the table? I've tried to download it off the UAC website, but it keeps saying that the "file is damaged". Cheers :D
  20. Fenwickinho

    What marks do I need to get?

    Hey guys, Anyone have an idea of what overall raw assessment + HSC mark I would need to get in the: - Top 10% in the state for PDH - Top 18% in the state for Biology - Top 25% in the state for Chemistry - Top 10% in the state for General Maths - Top 25% in the state for Advanced English -...