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  1. sonyaleeisapixi

    Trials Thoughts/Results

    Thanks. A little disappointed with English and Society, but thats just my arrogance. Wanted a 90 for SC and 95 for English Ad. HOWEVER My school was rude and had history extension between my two english exams, and yeah. I was a bit off skelter.
  2. sonyaleeisapixi

    Trials Thoughts/Results

    English Ad - 90% / Rank 1st English Ext1 - 85% / Rank 1st General Math - 80% / Rank 7th Society and Culture - 89% / Rank 1st Ancient History - 91% / Rank 1st Modern History - 92% / Rank 1st History X - 90% / Rank 1st Yeah, I kicked ass.
  3. sonyaleeisapixi

    Excessive Home Responsibility

    Get a church figure if you attend church, or your principal/year advisor, to write a letter vouching for your circumstances.
  4. sonyaleeisapixi

    Guys true story

    Almost. I started 7-8 at UHS and am now at Coffs Harbour High. They're not picking on me love, if anything I'm bitchfitting over generalities I tend to agree with but find myself the exception too. ANYWAYS. /end.
  5. sonyaleeisapixi

    Guys true story

    Oh boys, don't fight over me! /blush. I know what omniscience is saying, and as a generality I tend to agree. But I work my ass off and I'm damned smart. So, all is win, yes?
  6. sonyaleeisapixi

    Guys true story

    In most of my subjects, I work my ass off to stay first. I have a small cohort, but thats because all of the lower standard students have left. Theres mere marks between us all ( that is to say, there is no substantial gaps between first and last). We're a tight cohort with alot of competition...
  7. sonyaleeisapixi

    How Much Power Do Teachers Have?

    Except these teachers have been here long before Rudd.
  8. sonyaleeisapixi

    Guys true story

    Eh, I've held first in all my subjects since the prelim. Of course, after the trials of all my year, I'm the one who's crashed the hardest. Haven't been to school in almost a week and a half <.<
  9. sonyaleeisapixi

    High Scaling Subjects

    Depends on how long ago he did the HSC though. I remember my teacher telling us about the first year of the new system, and his son doing it. Average student, and none of the teachers really understood how it all worked. He got about 70-75 in all his assessment tasks, were expecting around...
  10. sonyaleeisapixi

    How Much Power Do Teachers Have?

    And again, I say, suck it up. My teacher for Society and Culture fell pregnant at the end of the preliminary course and we've been taught by a geography for 75% of the HSC course. My ancient history teacher got a job offer at a university, which he took, leaving us to unlearn all the...
  11. sonyaleeisapixi

    How Much Power Do Teachers Have?

    That's like whinging to an ancient history teacher who knows Greece that you want to study Egypt. Suck it up. He/She obviously specialises in this area. Thus, it'll probably be more interesting because of the higher level or knowledge and passion the teacher brings to the fore during the...
  12. sonyaleeisapixi


    I thought you were leaving your commentary "at that". Man up and take criticism.
  13. sonyaleeisapixi

    Fav. Teacher sayings?

    "sorry kids, just had year 8. i know, i know. it smells like skank and arse."
  14. sonyaleeisapixi


    Re: Formal Transport I can't see the point in a flashy entrance. I'm walking from my mums bar for pre formal cocktails with her and my over 18s friends to our venue, which is like a 2 minute walk. I'll look hot. Men will jizz. All that jazz.
  15. sonyaleeisapixi


    Re: Formal Transport Because it makes you look like a pretentious wank?
  16. sonyaleeisapixi

    Short Story 2 - 'Worked Out'

    Over dramatic to be honest. Almost home and away - esque in the way one disaster follows another. That aside, I like the idea of finding solace from tragedy and hardship through grammar and punctuation. I think if you worked the tragedy on a more subtle level, then it'd be great. You have...
  17. sonyaleeisapixi

    How many units?

    I have to agree with tommykins. The only reason I do 13 units is because I couldn't decide what to drop and what to pick up. I'm indecisive. If you can be decisive about your selections, stick with 10.
  18. sonyaleeisapixi

    how are all your major works going?

    Noo I haven't! =< But I'm nominated for the HTA Prize thinger, so it must be good =D Grats, duddde.
  19. sonyaleeisapixi

    how are all your major works going?

    Schhhweeeet dude! How'd it all go?