Eh, poor students will do that regardless of the questions. They fail to understand or fail to prepare for a module as a whole and often get kicked in the ass in exams.
And so they should be.
Question 6 — Option C: Germany 1918–1939 (25 marks)
(a) Explain how and why German social and cultural life changed in the period1923–1939.
(b) Assess the impact of Nazism on German foreign policy in the period1933–1939.
Question 12 (20 marks)
(a) Account for the...
I want to do a ba/b teaching at UNE.
Humanities/English teaching. I want to eventually teach at a tertiary level
I also eventually plan to go back when I have money and do alot more social/history based degrees.
Re: What is ua last HSC exam and when is it?
I'm otherwise happy. I mean AH and EE1 are totally different papers. I have modern on the monday.
Other than that week, yeah, mine are all 3-4 says apart.
I really only do humanities.
The style of questions has changed, particularly for english and history/SaC.
If you look at the 2001 sample papers, the questions seem alot harder due to the question wording and focuses. They're becoming more and more concise and direct. Not much mucking...
Re: What is ua last HSC exam and when is it?
Its pretty good, I'll be totally chilled for SAC
However, I have EE1, then Ancient, a weekend and the Ex History
Thats the crappest part of my timetable but eh, I'm otherwise happy.
We're the last year to sit this HSC program with these modules/AOS
If anything, this year will probably be easy. Go out on a bang?
Personally, I think they'll have trouble suprising me with any question. They've just about asked them from all angles.
My teachers been marking for the past 6 years. I'm just regurgitating what she and Karen Yager said to about 300 kids at a lecture.
There are clear marking guidelines. If you are not showing an articulated and well crafted essay that indicates a hollistic understanding, you cannot get...
A conceptualised and synthesised essay shows a greater depth of understanding of interelation between texts and AOS/Modules. Text by texts you are not demonstrating a higher level of understanding of links and commonalities.
Text by text is simplistic and fails to show a clear and well...