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  1. sonyaleeisapixi

    What subjects are you thinking of dropping next yr?

    Not necessarily a short story, but you have a major work. from BOS; Your advice to students would be drawn from the Syllabus requirements for the Major Work which are set out on p.92 of the Syllabus. They require students to: work independently to plan and complete a Major Work in...
  2. sonyaleeisapixi

    What subjects are you thinking of dropping next yr?

    do it. i fucking love engex2
  3. sonyaleeisapixi

    How many subjects do u hv tuition?

    nothing. i always saw tutors for students who have difficulty, and i dont have difficulties that cant be sorted with some persistent questioning.
  4. sonyaleeisapixi

    Getting a Job. Before Hsc or after Hsc

    become a cleaner now. im shit serious, the hours are good and the pay shits all over anything else. Originally Posted by sonyaleeisapixi i work 4-7pm monday and some thursday afternoons depending on my uncles health (which is as predictable as natural disasters in aisa) and from 3-7am...
  5. sonyaleeisapixi

    Counting down...

    i wrote it in chunks and then linked it all together. the actual linking and tidying up only took around three days, but the chunk writing has been going on since late feb early march. id write something shit, rewrite it better, hate it anyway, and gave millions of drafts in.
  6. sonyaleeisapixi

    Screw HSC markers

    to be absoulutely blunt; you sound like a dick if you use words that are, despite being large and impressive, are totally irrelevant to your point or arent even applicable with in the sentence.
  7. sonyaleeisapixi

    What would be the best End-Of-HSC anthem?

    pretty sure our end of school assembly song is going to be either 9crimes by damien rice, or, more likely if not both, minute by minute be grinspoon. much sadness. our formal music will include alot of presets and pnau. the day after our hsc ends, our whole year (that we like) is rocking up...
  8. sonyaleeisapixi

    Counting down...

    handed in. done. biggest anti climax in the world. now i can focus on english ex2
  9. sonyaleeisapixi

    Athletics Carnivals

    cocktail party but girls are wearing suites and the guys are wearing cocktail dresses and high heels. we tend to take part in everything. there will probably be some semi stripping and major pole dancing.
  10. sonyaleeisapixi

    Amount of free periods?

    key word was average. i was assume she would have one double free or something and the rest singles.
  11. sonyaleeisapixi

    Amount of free periods?

    9 a fortnight. but theyre counter acted by morning classes. bleh
  12. sonyaleeisapixi

    What does your study area look like? [POST PHOTOS]

    many pics. me, my boyfriends, pretty things. if i can sit in a class room with 25 other people talking i can sit in a quite room with pleasent things to view. its very small, mainly because my bed is huge. -.-
  13. sonyaleeisapixi

    What does your study area look like? [POST PHOTOS]

    yes, thats a bra. =D its messy at the moment, but its quite good for study. theres lots of nifty hidey holes to put things and when its clean, its really very spacious. and it doubles as my girly desk aswell. my rooms tiny. thus some irrelevant jewlerly and candels and bath bombs and .. stuff.
  14. sonyaleeisapixi

    School / Subject

    Coffs Harbour High School english advanced english ex1 english ex2 general maths society and culture modern history ancient history history ex
  15. sonyaleeisapixi

    Year 12 Jerseys

    hahaha, mine still fits, but its a jersey :P
  16. sonyaleeisapixi

    Year 12 Jerseys

    i loll at the people who drop out of year 10, and, 3 years later, are still wearing their year 10 shirt when they finish work at hungry jacks.
  17. sonyaleeisapixi

    What does your study area look like? [POST PHOTOS]

    my room is cluttered and busy. but pretty =D
  18. sonyaleeisapixi

    Year 12 Jerseys

    mines pretty nifty. nice and snuggly and warm. school colours, navy and golden yellow, with white. mine says pixie on the back. =]
  19. sonyaleeisapixi

    family members telling you different things for hsc

    aside from the obvious, follow your heart, consider your future, be who you wanna be, remember that your family only has, i hope, your best intrest at heart. they say what they say out of love.
  20. sonyaleeisapixi

    Recommended hours for work? Recommended Study methods? Balancing school,work & life?

    its so much cooler buying your own grog. =D but turning 18 is just like wheeee! my 18th went for 3 days XD / disclaimer: sonya does not advocate binge or under age drinking. stay sober and ace the hsc.