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  1. sonyaleeisapixi

    English-Are you really learning anything?

    ahhh, well, i concur then, i guess in some cases. generally i know though, we have a fairly dedicated and well rounded english teacher who has being doing hsc marking for years, so ive never felt at all disadvantaged or whatever by her moods or her motives.
  2. sonyaleeisapixi

    English-Are you really learning anything?

    that could be said of any subject, Phoenix Fury but they can and will be pulled up for inapproprietly marking a paper -- its double marked, and an descrepancy is sorted out between the head marker and the markers with the descrepancy. sooo yeah i love english, and i love my teacher i guess i...
  3. sonyaleeisapixi

    Lol pip help plz??

    i dont see why youve left it to the last minute. finding a pip topic is hard, but its worth it. if by some miracle you can work up a unique, interesting topic for yourself, and complete the assessment, i reccommend you do it, because if you dont, youll suffer now in assessment marks, and...
  4. sonyaleeisapixi

    une lectures, may 10

    any one going? its kind of repetitive to me because the senior college in coffs held a great one with the senior markers, i think it was with peter heath from memory, but i love une and i guess with this damned subject you can never have enough input from others.
  5. sonyaleeisapixi

    i really need pip help!

    mediocre. definitely doable, but not particularly groundbreaking because the answer is obvious. of course greater media influence will affect their sexual awareness. youll really need to hammer your concepts to make it ok.
  6. sonyaleeisapixi

    Please Help!: What Are Rubric Terms

    you know when you get your exams, and above it, its says 'in your answer you will be assessed on how well you..." and then beneath it is the things youre expected to do, ie, present a detaile,d logical and well sturctured answer to the question thats the rubric. you should really look...