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  1. Arch-man

    Stupid Question Corner

    Hey, I'm looking to accumulate next year, and I'm thinking of doing Latin as a subject. Do you need to do any Stage 5 courses? Also, is this the Latin language or the Latin writing style?
  2. Arch-man

    Representation & Text - Telling the truth

    Our school has been shoving this whole media thing down our throat, so we've been given countless texts on the current Gareth Evans/Cheryl Kernot affair. However, I'm using Man On The Moon and The Mad Farmer's Liberation Front as my texts.
  3. Arch-man

    Senior Science - sad course

    I'm struggling to get 60% in SS, and I'm bombing out in another subject. I need a 90+ UAI and all my other subjects are about 80 - 95%. And my Year Adviser wonders why I want to accumulate next year...
  4. Arch-man

    How Much Harder is Ancient than Modern

    Ancient is harder than Mod, as all you have to do in Anc. pretty much is regurgitate masses upon masses of content onto ur test paper. Both subjects are equally as interesting, and I suppose it's how the teacher teaches it as well that makes it interesting or not.
  5. Arch-man

    Which HISTORIANS are you all covering????

    My line-up, as such, includes: von Ranke Bury Marsden Herodotus Tacitus
  6. Arch-man

    indo china

    Cambodia is the easiest part of the Indochina topic, I reckon.
  7. Arch-man

    Too Big?

    Mod. ain't that bad when compared to other subjects. My Mod. teacher has been away for over half of this year as it is, so it's taken me forever to get through the course, because all we've had to learn from are question sheets and textbooks (WW1 & Germany '18-'45 - he was here for most of...
  8. Arch-man

    Weimar Germany

    We haven't been told not to study it, rather, we've been told to focus our studies on Nazi Germany '33 - '39
  9. Arch-man

    urgent msg from ppl doin indochina

    I disagree, I found the bit on Cambodia in Excel pretty good, although other textbooks do it better. Germany 1918 - 1945 is also pretty good as well.
  10. Arch-man

    Case Studies

    I'm doing Tacitus & the early Julio-Claudian emporers, yes, that is one topic