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  1. toadstooltown

    Factorising 4x^2 - 7x +5.

    Yeah, I get the same as miltons and if you (are game enough to) sub it in it all cancels. This is definately not 2u though, it might be a typo or something in the question. If it's 2u just write "descriminant < 0, hence no solutions over R, no real factors over R". If you've been taught...
  2. toadstooltown


    Gah, everyone seems to be doing this in S1! I was going to do it in S2, the timetable for S2 obviously isn't up yet but I can't find it for S1 either. Anyone know if there are many tute streams? I'm already having so much trouble sorting my timetable this session (so I can work, which I have to...
  3. toadstooltown

    national anthem - how many verses?

    Yeah, there've always been 5 verses but the 2nd, 4th and 5th aren't too popular as they contain directly British links etc, which isn't too PC for a mulitcultural society. Also people have enough trouble with one or two verses.
  4. toadstooltown

    SCIF1101. Fundamental- all 1st years

    At the advisory day Prof Whitaker (however it's spelt) told us that it's run in S2 and compulary for all students but won't take any time out from your degree because it is run instead of MATH1000, CHEM1000 etc and the gen ed.
  5. toadstooltown


    That would be cheating
  6. toadstooltown

    basics help

    My old japanese teacher (who was japanese) told us that が is much more specific than は For instance かおりさんが好きです = I like Kaori. (She's the one for me!) q. かおりさんが好きですか =Do you like Kaori? a. えぇ、かおりさんは好きですがはるかさんも好きです = Eh, Kaori's cool but I also like Haruka 公園はきたいです= the park is dirty...
  7. toadstooltown

    Easiest subject

    ! 4u maths is barely scraping the surface of maths that is used in our everyday lives, even if we don't understand. You're using a computer, a lot of maths used there. Back on topic, Studies Of Religion 1 unit was *soooooo* easy. I did my 4u and chem work in class all year, not listening...
  8. toadstooltown

    What do I choose?

    If you're not sure about med, then don't do it. Med's gotta be something you've really got your heart on and they pick that up in the interview. I wouls suggest a double with either science/law, media communications/ law or arts/law. Law, as boring as I find it, is quite useful in the working...
  9. toadstooltown

    What equations cant you integrate?

    Well, some areas you might be asked to find are, say, under arcsine or arccos graphed [sin^(-1)x etc ] or log graphs. To find the area here them you find the area to the y-axis and subtract it from the whole rectangle, if you kinda get me. You can integrate sinx and cosx so the area will be the...
  10. toadstooltown

    plz do my survey will take u 2 minutes!

    How old are you? 18 Male 1.How old were you when you had your first alcoholic drink? Um, 10? - wine with dinner. Probably 16 or so was more regular 2. In a regular week how many alcoholic drinks would you have? Mon- 0 Tues- 0 This is kinda hard to do. Wed- 0...
  11. toadstooltown

    help- doin 3 sciences (bio,chem,phy)

    I used spotlight chemistry and it was fine. Seriously, just read the textbook and then check back to the syllabus and then to an exam paper. If you think the textbook was a bit skimpy on info then go to another one. I used Spotlight, the Surfing chemistry books and as a last resort excel. Also...
  12. toadstooltown

    Rules for Customers

    Gelatissimo 1. THEY ARE NOT ALL ICECREAMS. THEY ARE NOT FROZEN YOGHURTS. THEY ARE GELATO, AS SUGGESTED BY THE STORE NAME. Some are sorbets, which is not pronounced "sorbetttttt", and those that are have "SORBET" written on the label. 2. If something's dark brown, with a big hunk of cooking...
  13. toadstooltown

    Hottest female tennis player (pics included)

    I'd so say Martina Hingis, even though she's getting along (in terms of tennis age).
  14. toadstooltown

    2 short questionaires

    1. Age: 18 2. Sex: Male 3. Cultural background: Cuban - Norwegian 4. Were you born in Australia? (Please tick one of the boxes). Yes 5. If you could solve one issue which directly affects you, or will directly affect you in the near future, which would it be...
  15. toadstooltown

    Science Enrolment, Subject Questions.

    It's CHEM1031 or CHEM1011, 1031 being the more advanced. I seem to recall at the advisory day that those mecical science ethics courses have been changed this year. Best course of action would be to call the uni. I think they're making you do it earlier.
  16. toadstooltown

    2007 oscar noddies

    Though best male and female actor is pretty much known, I was really pleased by the nominations of Penelope Cruz for her performance in 'Volver' and Rinko Kikuchi's in 'Babel' which was outstanding. I think it really shows that foreign films also contain great acting and don't need their own...
  17. toadstooltown

    General Education (Gen Ed) FAQ

    I'm most likely going to do JAPN2000 in S1 stage one as part of my Advanced Science degree. In Avd Sci you start GenEds in second year. Will I be able to substitute the 6UoC I did with JAPN2000 in year one session one for 6UoC of Gen Ed in year two, and do a different 6UoC course, possibly a...
  18. toadstooltown

    Enrolling for Japanese

    I rang up the school of Japanese Studies and the lady said to just enroll in JAPN1000 and see how JAPN2000 fits in your timetable as well. I was anxious that some lectures / tutes would fill up and leave me with a clashing timetable but she said not to worry and they'll sort it out. Just worried...
  19. toadstooltown

    Higher maths, Higher chem, higher phys = too much work?

    Hi, I've enrolled in Higher Maths, Higher Chem, Higher Phys and Japanese (yet to do placement test) - but my friend who's 2nd year UNSW Psych students thinks that it's *way* too much work with all those and I'm going to have a nervous breakdown. I'm sure I can do each of the subjects, but all...
  20. toadstooltown

    Academic Achievement Award question

    I handed mine it to student services today at advisory day and they stamped it and seemed to know what to do with it :)