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  1. toadstooltown

    Working on Australia Day

    Yeah, it is, seeing as we made about tripple what we normally make and there are only two people on.
  2. toadstooltown

    Working on Australia Day

    It depends where you work. My work has done some rediculous loophole of 'averaging public holidays out' amongst your pay (but they clearly didn't) so when I worked today I got a flat rate of $11.08/hour which sucked balls.
  3. toadstooltown

    the HSC is screwed up-heres why

    If you happened to be Vietnamese civilian during the war then I think you'd view it quite differently. The whole point of learning history is so you don't end up with another world war or vietnam. I don't think the HSC is left-wing in any way. Chemistry is about getting things we want, but also...
  4. toadstooltown

    Get Your Id Cards Now

    I was planning on waiting until book-lists came out so that I could get books and ID card on the one trip (before O-week). Good idea or just wasting my time?
  5. toadstooltown

    help with speaking

    I think I did well in my speaking exam as I think I ruined my written exam and still came out on top. What I found really helpful was going to any and every japanese workshop day you can find. I went to the Kirrawee centre twice which focused on speaking and listening which I found very helpful...
  6. toadstooltown

    pan's labyrinth

    I loved it. I think a lot of the high ratings were more about that it's a solid, rounded film - a lot to admire, barely anything to have an issue with. What struck me was that people who had seen it before me and kept telling me about how violent it was. Sure, it had violence, but certainly...
  7. toadstooltown

    Discrete maths & Higher chem 1st year.

    Well, if for some reason MATH1081 dosn't run properly with Higher maths B then in S2 then I will be chucking a big fit. Jap I would idealy like to get in first year but isn't a planned major and is just something I'd like on the side for first year. Thanks heaps of your help! Also, I've...
  8. toadstooltown

    Discrete maths & Higher chem 1st year.

    Sorted it, I think! Whole thing was that I'm not sure of a maths major of a chem major. Leaning towards maths but really want to do some chem to be sure. So I've decided I will do S1: MATH1141-A, CHEM1031-C, PHYS1121-A, JAPN1000 (you put this down and then do the exam on the 28th of feb where...
  9. toadstooltown

    Discrete maths & Higher chem 1st year.

    I tried auto-class and it came back with an error. Manually isn't working either.
  10. toadstooltown

    Discrete maths & Higher chem 1st year.

    None of them are full. Just that I end up with a bottle neck on friday 12-1 where Chem1031 has lectures in weeks 1,2,8,9 and tutes in the others but at that time there's a discrete tute on which I can't seem to move anywhere else. Called up science student centre office who told me to talk to...
  11. toadstooltown

    Discrete maths & Higher chem 1st year.

    Does anyone know if it is at all possible to do MATH1081 (discrete), CHEM1031 (higher) and MATH1141 (higher) in 1st year S1? I've been trying but they are all clashing. I've got it down to a MATH1081 tute clashing with alternating CHEM1031 lectures / tutes. Any information be greatly appreciated!
  12. toadstooltown


    I received notification of a faculty of science scholarship around the beginning of January telling me that if I don't change my preferences I will be offered it formally. Call on phone, email and in the post. I also received emails / letters of other scholarships I had been rejected for.
  13. toadstooltown

    Post your 2007 University Offers Here!

    Bachelor of Science (Advanced) at UNSW! Huzzah
  14. toadstooltown

    Review the last book you read

    The Island of the Day Before (English translation) - Umberto Eco Another thoroughly enjoyable book from Eco. Small concept, done almost to death but in an enjoyable fashion. A man stranded on 'the Daphne', a Dutch vessel anchored off the coast of an island on the other side of the...
  15. toadstooltown

    "Let it Go" Leunig, URGENT

    No idea, but I used it for imaginative journies. Just referenced it as Leunig's "Let it Go" cartoon 'cause I didn't know where it appeared either =P Didn't fail so obviously that was good enough.
  16. toadstooltown

    Complex Number help :)

    To be a lot clearer, a)z=1-√3+i(1+√3) b)z=(1-i√3)×(1+i) =2cis[pi/3]×√2cis[pi/4] =2√2cis[7pi/12] =√8cis[7pi/12] c)so z=1-√3+i(1+√3) and z=√8cis[7pi/12] 1-√3+i(1+√3)=√8cis[7pi/12] 1-√3+i(1+√3)=√8cos[7pi/12]+√8sin[7pi/12] We know equate real and imaginary parts, as for a+ib to be equal to x+iy...
  17. toadstooltown

    Class of 06: what uni/course u doing ?

    Going to UNSW for BSc (Adv), already been told I have a place :)
  18. toadstooltown

    ENGLISH is a joke subject

    Of course people can get band 6s in english, it's just not a subject full of them (such as music 1). The Advanced English program is about successful arguing (albeit it has those retarded creatives and unseen texts), which is important. However, the content on which we have to argue is...
  19. toadstooltown

    So, whats the social life like at UNSW?

    More and more I've come to dislike the atmosphere at USyd. They all just seem so arrogant and caught up in the 'reputation and prestige' of it all. A lot of their lectures, I found, didn't focus much on referencable facts but just 'we've got a very big faculty', 'lots of funding'. The one thing...
  20. toadstooltown

    Need help in Series Application; Superannuation!

    Do *NOT* just use a "superannuation formula" or "loan repayment" formula for questions such as these. My teacher is an HSC marker and to gain full marks in these often 2 or 3 mark questions students are required to write out payment 1, payment 2, ..., payment n (or something similar) to show /...