Search results

  1. BillyMak

    A quick question about double degrees

    I am thinking of doing the new BEng/BCom double degree at UNSW, this is the first year it's been offered. The reason is that my first and second preferences were B Commerce and B Engineering (renewable) respectively, and I thought I may as well combine the two. So my question is this: If you...
  2. BillyMak

    Triple J Hottest 100 - who scored your vote?

    I haven't voted yet, but there will definately be a few Killers songs in there.... My bet: 1st: Franz Ferdinand- take me out 2nd: Missy Higgins- scar 3rd: Morako- stop, drop & roll (think that's the name) I also reckon Scribe will get up there, but I don't reckon the top 5....
  3. BillyMak

    Anbody got UAI of 90+ with low scaled subjects?e.g gen maths

    Compare that to these marks: Advanced English: 84, band 5 Business Studies: 84, band 5 Physics: 92, band 6 Maths ext 1: 91, band E4 Maths ext. 2: 89, band E3 Yet I got 96.05, 0.15 higher than you got. Must have been my crummy business studies mark....
  4. BillyMak

    Cut-Offs Rising

    Amen. I got 96.05 and my first preference is commerce at UNSW.
  5. BillyMak

    Isnt it illegal.........

    pffftt.... sif anyone believes you.
  6. BillyMak

    Multiplayer in Halo 2

    wtf is going on..... I have finished Halo 2 on easy, normal, heroic, and legendary and sat through all of the credits on the same profile. My friend finished it on easy and normal and he got an extra multiplayer level for doing so. Does anyone know what the requirements are to get all of the...
  7. BillyMak

    Using SAM to calculate your UAI

    If anyone cares, using this method about half way through year 12, I managed to give myself a UAI prediction of 96.10 My UAI, some 6 months later, ended up being 96.05. Not a bad prediction method eh? ;)
  8. BillyMak

    Double degrees at UNSW

    On paper is all that matters to employers :p
  9. BillyMak

    Double degrees at UNSW

    I have another question. If you do a double degree, at the end of your course you have exactly the same qualifications as someone who has done say an engineering degree and a science degree separately right?
  10. BillyMak

    Double degrees at UNSW

    Ok, thanks alot.
  11. BillyMak

    Double degrees at UNSW

    I am considering doing a double degree at UNSW, and have a few questions I'd like to ask: Firstly, what determines the UAI cutoff? For example, if I wanted to do Eng/Sci, I'd have to get a UAI high enough to get into both Engineering and Science separately right? Is the UAI cutoff for the...
  12. BillyMak

    Your goal vs Actual UAI

    IMO anyone who gets a UAI over 99 knows that they are going to get a UAI over 99 once they finish their last exam. They just brace themselves for the worst and tell themselves that they are _only_ going to get about 90 ;)
  13. BillyMak

    Anyone has Comm@UNSW as 1st pref?

    Of course, anyone with a remote interest in the course would know that the job market is in fact not that great, due to the fact that commerce courses are popping up everywhere and the job market in 4-5 years will likely be flooded with commerce graduates....
  14. BillyMak

    Anyone has Comm@UNSW as 1st pref?

    lol.... if that comment was directed in my general direction you know nothing.
  15. BillyMak

    Your goal vs Actual UAI

    Thought (worst case scenario based on how I went in exams): 89 Wanted (best case scenario): 96 Actual UAI: 96.05
  16. BillyMak

    Anyone has Comm@UNSW as 1st pref?

    Does anyone know how many places for commerce at UNSW they actually give out?
  17. BillyMak

    Anyone has Comm@UNSW as 1st pref?

    No, I could have applied because I'm from a rural area and I did economics by distance ed, but I didn't feel too disadvantaged by it and didn't think I should be scabbing extra marks because of it.
  18. BillyMak

    Anyone has Comm@UNSW as 1st pref?

    What about meeeeeeeee??? I got 96.05 and I wanna get in tooooo!!
  19. BillyMak

    Anyone has Comm@UNSW as 1st pref?

    bloody hell I wish Canberra was closer.
  20. BillyMak

    Anyone has Comm@UNSW as 1st pref?

    I've got it as my first preference, I got 96.05. According to UAC 2005 last year's cutoff was 96, so if I do manage to get in it will be bloody close. I don't know how accurate these predictions are, but on page 333 there are projected UAI cutoffs (I think they are normal cutoffs, although...