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  1. D

    2005 Major Work: PHP?

    I To am a PHP Programmer, I faed this same problem, i did a php program for my y11 major work.. I Found an open source program that allowed me to submit the application on CD, basically i had a Mysql Database, PHP Enabled web server, and it all ran from a CD(Only for windows tho) just...
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    Supp Texts - Imaginative

    Just a correction for the website list, the correct url is: Hope that helps someone *wonders off to write a speech while muttering about english*
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    Domain name help

    Log into your account and setthere to be no ads, simple, ads are then gone.. it's enabled by default,perhaps u just never noticed it.
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    Content of HSC tests

    Yep.. the Content of the HSC course is only the Prelim course in detail.. so much that so far it's VERY hard for me to get my acttogether and do the work.. it's everything i did last 3 terms.. Basically however you've jsut gotta do it.. and if it's the first time you've attmpted the work u might...
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    just friends

    Yes esp. when her BF thinks that you and her are more than just Close freinds... My best freind is female(male myself) and that caused all sorts of problems for us.. because her bf used to be my best freind.. until she came between us(..actually thats a good thing... real faggot he was...
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    Yr12 in less than a month!

    At the start of the year i deicded i'd change schools(to another public one.. various other reasons) i decided to write decent noted at the end of each day.. idecded aliot of things now my prelim exams are on.. and i'm like.. huh! wtf! we never did that! i havnt studied.. the ;last 3 terms...
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    Yr12 Major Work Suggestions

    ..MOST of the marks given in programming tasks are more on the help, documentation, planning and everythign else, about 10%(or less) is on teh proramming side, it's better to finish your reports, and documentation in preference to finishing the program itself. i am only in year 11 right now...
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    Approved Programming Languages

    ..You can't call pascal a structured version of basic can you.. their not related at all.. but eitherway, Thanks for that, most schools would be using M$ VS6/.NET and a few are using QBasic(yes there is a public high school near me that uses it -- it's outdated, but it's still sued...
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    Approved Programming Languages

    What are they? seriously? i don't have a clue as to what languages are deemed to be suitable for this course.. looked on the official BoS and couldn't find anything.. nor could my teacher...
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    Is ipt hard?

    IPT isn't hard, personally i just apply personal knowledge and common sense... however a big mis-conception of it is IPT is NOT computer based, it can be done pen and paper FINE!, however computers are just used to help you along the way, Do the work, or at least half of it and it's easy...
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    Change Quotes/Material

    hmm thanks for that.. i'll have a look now... But i was after Changing Worlds since i ddn't mention it in my first post.... but thanks anyway and i'll have a look into that link now
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    Change Quotes/Material

    I'm currently doing Prelim, and as part of our studies we do an AOS on Change, close to the end of the week i've got a speach due Does anyone have any ``Famous`` or reasonable sounding(as in short) Quotes?, from anywhere, any time, etc. any help from anyone?
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    Preliminary notes

    just grab your SDD book one weekend, or in the arvo, and start reading and taking notes as you read through.. not much else you can do now.. you should've been understnading it throughout the year.. currently we've got 1/2 a book to gothrough in 4weeks.. however we managed to knock over about...
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    2004 CSSA Trial

    i'm in Prelim atm, but i'd like to have a go at some of these trial papers out for the hsc and etc.. problem is i can't seem to see any links or anything even for the past papers.. ok theresthe official past papers from BOS, but i'd like to have a look at some made by other companies as well...
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    EBNF/BNF Form

    ok thanks for those answers.. i thought i was right, and the heinmann sdd book ddin't mention anythign at al abotu the grouping brackets (), i only worked those out after alengthy google search thinking it was logical that there'd be some kind of grouping.. What book does everyone...
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    being asked out...what method would you prefer?

    i prefer personal approaches, ie talking in person.. or writing to eachother on a note quietly.. i hate it when theres others involved in the process.. and when iyou can't see the other persons face at least.. This afternoon one of my freinds asked the guy she's after out over the community...
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    EBNF/BNF Form

    I'm asking for some reference sites for BNF/EBNF and the etc, i'm asking as at school we use the heinman SDD book(absolutly shocking.. shame we're only a poor school, and havingt about 23 people(like 5 do work) in it it's not that easy to go and buy a better one) So i'm asking for some...