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  1. D

    speculating on birthday letters

    i think theres been one year when they have said "Refer to poem BLAH BLAH and ONE other of your choosing in your answer" infact i'll look it up and see if it was a recent exam, if it was then look at the markers notes. If the markers said it was extremely hard on the students i wouldnt expect...
  2. D

    feelings about exams - how do your problems compare to others?

    Not me.. But heres a friend who posted in another forum(not BoS) ============= From: (censored)® 17/10/2005 8:14:17 PM Subject: seizures My son had 4 seizures today. 19yo never had one before. He is currently in ICU sedated and with a breathing tube. I am home becuase they said he is...
  3. D

    Did everyone get a goodluck email from USYD?

    isnt UAC and USYD the same thing basically? i thought USYD was the one who co-ordinated UAC.. so if thats the case, anyone who applied for a UAI(and put theiremail address down) would've gotten it. D
  4. D

    How's the pimples going?

    Yeah well side effects are different for different people. IF you get too many side effects your on too high a dosage! if your on it and you get a really bad constant headache drop back a level on tehdossage and consult your GP or Dermatologist though, it can increase intercranial pressure...
  5. D

    Howd we all go?

    Howd we all go? ::::: OMG! That was EASY! Ah! IPT! Well... by the time you read this it'll be over, Personally i'l have chemistry adn software design the next day.. 3 exams in a row! Arg! Howd everyone go? How many Band 6'ers do we have amongst us? :) ..This is probably one of the few...
  6. D

    Softwares over! How'd we all go?

    Finally my last exam should be over by the time you read this :) 5pm's going to be a shocker though... How did everyone go with the late timeing of the exam? Do you think you would've gone better with it in the morning, OR NOT FOLLOWING CHEM?? D
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    What mark do you think you got?

    So.... What'd others think of it.. And howd you go? IPT the night before it, SDD the arvo after it.... eeep D
  8. D

    How did everyone go? (Discussion)

    I'm assuming that if your reading this you've obviously done the exam allready.. ....not looking forward to it myself... better get back onto study for English Paper2 now! Post how you went :) EDIT: That exam SUCKED Yeah, i ran out of time for the last 2 questions, allthough i could...
  9. D

    English Advanced 2005 HSC Paper

    Damn you beat me here :P Mod A: Brave New world/Blade Runner Mod B: Gwen Harwood Mod C: Frontline EDIT: Yeck... easy exam, i went hopeless though.... D
  10. D

    wrong english paper handed out yesterday

    remember, if it was determined that several people willing asked for and got papers from on here at the BoS you could potentially loose your hsc for that subject and get ZERO. your not as anonymous as you may think when it comes to forums. D ::::Of course.. i'm refering to getting papers...
  11. D

    We Have To Resit The Hsc English Papers!!!

    ..what an idiot Close the thread someone? lol D
  12. D

    wrong english paper handed out yesterday

    i believe the wrong papers were packed into the 'AoS' box. ie. the examers picked upthe AoS Box, put papers out, then relised they werent AoS Exams. -=DD32=-
  13. D

    user record broken

    Good idea! *Clicks button to only load cached images in Opera* -=DD32=-
  14. D

    Twas on the news... (Merged)

    ..On that note.. seems BOS agrees! "THE HSC HAS FINISHED!" ...Now wheres that BoS Press release that states all furthur exams are cancelled? -=DD32=- EDIT: Seems to have changed to "THE HSC IS UPON YOU" Now :)
  15. D

    user record broken

    oooh how about that: Most users ever online was 1052, Today at 05:12 PM. Well personally i think you guys need another server!! or some more bandwidth! :) if a BOS Admin reads this, wanna give some stats on how much datas been transfered in the last 48hours/how much the average link speed...
  16. D

    most important information ever

    Hmmm... would it help if i was to have wheeties for dinnar and then have my usual 5 for breakie? How Many Do you do?! :P -=DD32=-
  17. D

    Bomb threats and Burning schools

    On the other hand, if other people in the state have allready sat down with the paper, then theres a risk it was planned and someone else has communicated the contents of the paper to a teacher who is passing answers onto a child who has not yet goen into the exam(remember you can arrive an hour...
  18. D

    Exam timetable

    yeah you've got awell spread out one... take this then: Week1 MONDAY(17th/Oct): English Paper1 THURSDAY(20th/Oct): English Paper2 Week2 MONDAY(24th/Oct):Mathematics Week3 TUESDAY(1st/Nov): (PM)IPT WEDNESDAY(2nd/Nov): (AM)Chemistry WEDNESDAY(2nd/Nov): (PM)SDD 3 exams in a...
  19. D

    What does an HSC exam booklet look like ?

    On the bright side, every Booklet that i've used forpractice and whatnot(Our school seems to have an endless ammount of boxes from the BOS with '2003 Writing booklets for HSC" staped on them, In my opinion the paper is cheap and nasty, but its the best stuff to write on. -=DD32=-
  20. D

    who else hasnt studied much today??

    *puts hand up* Yeah i'm actually watching the tempest and about to put on a section of another movie i'm using.... *yawn* its so boring.... -=DD32=-