Search results

  1. honky tonk

    What to do next year!

    Not to mention assist in the development of the manners, patience, enthusiasm and determination (among many other things) that are necessary in character growth, whilst sustaining what little security they have in this world, all while trying to maintain a positive approach to a situation that...
  2. honky tonk

    Newcastle Open Day

    I would have kept my nose out of this issue, but I tried the "no thanks" approach this morning and they actually stopped me and asked me why. I'm not the type to just walk away or respond harshly, so I had to stand there for a few minutes listening to what this week was about. Then I had to...
  3. honky tonk

    Autonomy Day!

    I left at about the time the guy drank his own vomit. That guy should have won.
  4. honky tonk

    Exam results

    I was thinking it was because you enjoyed the course content so much. It must have just been because of Gary Ellem.
  5. honky tonk

    Exam results

    Organic Chemistry - 66 Molecular Genetics - 75 Physics - 75 Very unexpected.
  6. honky tonk


    I want to rep this thread. Can I rep this thread?
  7. honky tonk

    The Office

    The two shows are incomparable. The original is the best. "Different frogs, different times."
  8. honky tonk

    When does Uni go back?

    The lesson is: never try.
  9. honky tonk


    *Rereads original post* Oh... but yeah, don't panic. Once you get used to the routine it's a lot of fun. You'll laugh, you'll cry.. it'll change your life.
  10. honky tonk


    Emphasis on that part.. people kept telling me throughout year 12 that Uni was a breeze. They were liars. Dirty rotten liars.
  11. honky tonk

    legal humour

    *Reads thread* *Withdraws from Law*
  12. honky tonk

    semester 2 subjests *(*#)(@! &*#@

    FORS2010 - Forensic Science CHEM2110 - Analytical Chemistry BIOL2230 - Biomolecules LAWS2003B - Tort Law *Insert enthusiastic 'wooo'*
  13. honky tonk

    exam seats

    Do they permit portable heaters? Portable vending machines? Portable suicide contraptions? Yes? Cool!
  14. honky tonk

    exam seats

    HC19 Hunter.. Is this the Hunter Cafeteria? Does that mean they will provide us with a free lunch in order to compensate for three hours of hell that the Physics exam will bring? Yes? Cool!
  15. honky tonk

    the why are my holidays so short thread

    I have two days. I have a 3,500 word essay due on the last Friday of holidays, so there'll be no holidays for me.
  16. honky tonk

    Email from Nick Saunders

    No, no.. it's a good thing. It means there'll be less of us out there in a few years.
  17. honky tonk

    What is Your Favourite Album At The Moment ?

    You rock my world. Ben Folds - Songs For Silverman Death Cab For Cutie - Transatlanticism Lior - Autumn Flow Something Corporate - Leaving Through The Window
  18. honky tonk


    5 assessments due this week. Yay.
  19. honky tonk

    Exam Timetable

    Good idea, Cyph.. and 12 hours of exams, ouch! - BIOL2050 - Molecular Genetics Fri, 17-Jun - 1:45pm : 3hr Students enrolled: 86 - CHEM2310 - Organic Chemistry Wed, 22-Jun - 1:45pm : 2hr Students enrolled: 56 - PHYS1200 - Introductory Physics...
  20. honky tonk

    Scholarships? Dibbles!