I've got to say, you didn't exactly perform 'well' in anything other than music.
You probably don't deserve any extra consideration considering that you posted this in an irrelevant forum.
That, and the fact that petitions don't work.
Fucking hell... Why do people who never post on here feel the need to post their results? I don't want to search through a bunch of random results to find people I actually want to know about. :/
ssglain and gao, I am in awe at your results. They are absolutely amazing. I hope you guys get the exact course you wanted, with all applicable scholarships. You truly deserve it.
^^ They'll come out with the results tomorrow or Thursday.
And Moriah must e doing something insane with their English kids. EE2 was topped by a Moriah student last year and his work was the very definition of brilliance.
Condoms. Lots and lots of condoms.
I also highly recommend money.
And any necessary documentation required for confirmation of various booking arrangments.