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    Cronulla Beach Incident

    well here in the shire ,both the races try to be heaps up themselves,and as you can see this is sought of what sparked the riot long time ago.
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    Cronulla Beach Incident

    The lebanese are going to miranda thursday night to run a riot pleaseget thourgh to every1 not to go to miranda as we do not want any1 getting hurt this is getting out of control innocent people are getting hurt for sumthink they didnt do please stay away pass it on thats wot one of my wog...
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    Cronulla Beach Incident

    i guess so
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    Cronulla Beach Incident

    armed with a tree branch,im guessing the dude was like"fully bro come any closer and i hit you,im serrrrrrrrrrrriousssssssssss"
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    To all the homosexuals- Please answer this

    of course you can still have sex with women thats what men were made for lol.We cant really help you out sorry mate,anyway out of curiosity howd you become gay
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    To all the homosexuals- Please answer this

    um there arent many gay bosers on here,theres one but i cant remmber his name
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    To all the homosexuals- Please answer this

    well do you find lesbian porno more interesting or staring at men ,give that a try
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    Cronulla Beach Incident

    maybe we should just wait for the next game for world cup qualifiers aus vs lebanon
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    Cronulla Beach Incident

    sorry but soccer isnt a very big sport here maybe when nulla vs bulldogs next year,massive riot
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    Yes we do play with your mind cause its fun,since your getting tired first thing you could do is drop your foot on the frontline Using examples -bring up the topics of girlfriends or boyfriends ,starting off by like saying oh my friends boyfriends always is a bit of a dickhead,and sort of...
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    Cronulla Beach Incident

    I don't think they'll attack a mosque not ,that the muslims would attack a church
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    lol sounds like me,I dunno I do it cause its fun and interesting(unpredictable).moreover it makes the girl shit themselves over whether if you like them or not hey its better than just telling them straight out that you like them ,everything just happens too quick,a bit of catch and kiss puts...
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    How should Bfs response to the tough questions by their GFs?

    Every guy has a dream body we love,and thats what pornstars have.We get where you mean its cheating to think about a pornstar,but its our mind we can dream about anything we want none of your business just take it this way porn=dream body girlfriend=personality the dude wants +the...
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    Prophecies: World War 3

    notradamus did not predict world war 3 ,what he wrote suggests there something along the lines of it,those dates are also wrong nothing he wrote is exact.Google him and you ll see how his predictions came along they are 4 line poems say for example the world trade centre 911 the poem...
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    aeronautical or aeronautical (space) -_-!

    is aeronautical better at usyd or monash the uai for aeronautical there is lower than usyds(85 at monash i think correct me if im wrong) I really want to do aeronautical do you think I should apply for monash,is aeronautical a major of mechanical engineering like unsw or is it...
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    SkOoLiEs in BALI!!

    ^wtf your still up to your mischief lol ,your evil turn it down a little
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    got a fetish?

    ^same i love a chick with nice legs I also like slim chicks that are flat chested
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    3 unit bridging course... from general maths

    you should start now and get yr 11 and 12 ,2 unit and 3 unit books with a tutor to help you out, i hear those bridging courses are hard as they are heaps quick in like 2 weeks ( 2 years worth of work)
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    yeah heaps of the people there get them cadetships with bluescope steel,which i hear is easy to get at uow but its part time not full time uni
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    well in the engineering book for unsw it says its the best for traditional engineering such as civil,eletrical and to some degree for emerging unique courses. but 1 thing I know for sure is that usyd is better for anything in the aeromech stream ex aerospace is part of the mech...