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  1. I

    How and where did you meet your GF/BF??!!??

    yeah she is actually more leaning to the hot side though
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    How and where did you meet your GF/BF??!!??

    i added one of my friend's chicks to my msn when i had like 0 contacts so she was pretty much a random to me turns out she s pretty interesting to talk to,later i found out she only lived down the road from me lol Any way 1 year later (i know what she looks like from her msn pic),and i...
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    Great article on enrolment!! (funny and w/ pictures!)

    kool that biomed pictures funny that must suck when your going to enrol at usyd 40 minute wait piss off
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    How do we enrol

    ^might be going on holidays after the release date so yeah,just seeing if i can do it all online
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    How do we enrol

    Ok so when we get our uni preferences and they send us the letter for enrollment into the uni we got in.I know that unsw allows you to accept your offer online ,but does anyone know if we can do the same thing for other unis?(or is it still the same for the other unis where we have to actually...
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    got cut again =(

    its worser when you talk to a foreign professor and you can barely understand what they are trying to say
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    got cut again =(

    from what i hear alot of professors don't care about you in uni,thats like at my interview for engineering i had 2 rreally open guys that spoke thourgh english,but yet all my friends said their interviewees were really boring and were pretty much like"piss off" hope i get some good...
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    ^they make it like this so it is easier to sort people into a course if you think it in this way if there were 50 spots for a course and yet there were over 200 people who would've passsed that cut off and put that course as a preference,then there would be an over flow of people able to...
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    Mechatronics UNSW or USYD

    true yeah usyd has a higher cut off because they cant accept as many students as unsw can thats why their uai is higherits like inflation (demand and supply) mech accept about 200 people at unsw mechatronix at usyd accept like 50 also keep in mind unsw mechatronix engineering is...
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    how's mech eng at unsw?

    found it on the graph that they had on the mce powerpoint presentation which you can download somehwhere on the site
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    Bridging Course so short!

    from my brothers and sisters experience they told me,its alot of work in those bridging courses and be expected to get lost in the lectures.Im getting a tutor for 4 unit,to help me cope with engineering next year this holis.I ve heard from other people's experience that 3 units generally...
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    when do we find out if we made it in or not?

    simple jory why dont you just get msn it only takes 2 seconds to download
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    how's mech eng at unsw?

    hey people im putting mech engineering as my first preference im just a bit under the 75 cut off+mce do you people think theres still chance of getting into this course I was looking at last years statistics and they accepted people as low as 68 do you think theres stilla chance for me
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    Cheap Quality Tutoring Services

    she obviously has other friends doing tutoring as well,and all her friends put together i think should cover most popular courses
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    Mobile Phones - What do you think?

    you should get a 3 g phone,by the end of next year,they will be the big thing since all the networks now have 3 g up,we just have to wait for prices to fall then get one
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    NEVER work at AVON..!!!!

    hahahahahahahahaha i know a chick who works there, don't know how much she makes but i always pay her out when she turns up on my doorstep
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    same course different uni...wats the diff?

    well considering unsw already offers more spots for students and their uai cutoff is higher than usyds businees is pretty much similar to commerce though
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    same course different uni...wats the diff?

    uai cutoffs is an inflation mark the number of people demanding the course determine the cutoff(the more people the higher the cut off,it does not determine which course is better) example unsw accepts 200 students for mechanical engineering,therefor they have a lower uai cutoff ,where as...
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    schoolies and break ups

    ^hahahahahahaha i just found it funny how like all those threads were made about couples going different ways for schooliesits like like meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhh.....
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    schoolies and break ups

    so all you people before we were off to schoolies,you people were like complaining how the relationship thing was going to work So did it work? tell us the whole story of you cheating on detail?