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  1. I

    Great places to eat and fun things to do near UTS

    Re: Great places to eat and fun things to do nearby UTS get wicked wings from kfc,everyone does.You see all the international students with wicked wings and a drink at kfc or you could always have the sub roll $2.50 too
  2. I

    how do you tell a guy you like them

    and dont tell him straight out that you like him thats just a bit too much to absorb in 1 go (personally when a couple of girls did that to me i just shot myself ,i was thinking in my head "wtf do i know you?Who are you? This is weird lol.")
  3. I

    How to NOT pick up...:/

    or "I'd like to be the meat in your sandwich"
  4. I

    Crushed by a crush

    I was in your situation except I was the guy in your story,all i can say is that she was heaps crushed .Things do seem normal now except there seems to be something missing from our friendship( we arent as close as we use to be) so expect that as an outcome
  5. I


    unsw has flexible first year ,their subjects are really broad they have example 1st semster they are studying mathematics,mathematics and computing,introduction to engineering and 1 elective where as at uts we don't have flexible first year, you can switch majors at end of semester or the...
  6. I

    Got stuck in the uts lift for an hour

    ^uts engineering sucks lol
  7. I

    changing majors?

    talk to the head of the faulty major you want to change to and also ask your head of faculty of your major to see if its ok first.If it isnt possible you are most likely going to end up doing that major and switch majors at end of year or semester and the subjects you did become your electives...
  8. I

    Got stuck in the uts lift for an hour

    the lifts in building 4 look very stable they dont shake unlike tower building ones also that lecturer roomin building 4 looks so nice it almost looks like star city casino theater
  9. I

    Is it okay to be friends with your ex when his new gal hates your guts???

    he must be the biggest pussy whipped bitch dating a 14 yr old and still listen to her,she must be immature as lol.You should give her dirties as well look down on little people lol
  10. I

    Got stuck in the uts lift for an hour

    ^ same here where the hell are they
  11. I

    Long distance relationships . . . do they ever work?.?.

    my friend did as well,they were out for 3 months then the whole of the 3 month holiday before uni she went overseas and when she got back things felt awkward between the two
  12. I

    Got stuck in the uts lift for an hour

    Talk about ancient tower 1 uts should really update this ugly piece of crap heres my story The lift kept jumping every 3 seconds everybody decided to get out on the next level,but me and this other guy decided to stay thats when the lift started jumping more(butterfly feeling every...
  13. I


    Hey people,Im thinking of transferring universities from uts to unsw engineering(first year).Does anyone know how it works if you apply for the transfer in mid year through UAC is entirely on uai or half uai and uni marks so far.Also I applied for both unis through multiple criteria entry and...
  14. I

    Post Camp One

    it wasnt a fivesome but yeah it was two couples got it on
  15. I

    when is uts going to be renovated? lol

    they ve started renovating the bottom floors of building 2 which are pretty much finished at the moment i doubt they 'd renovate the outside (its so fricken dam ugly though)
  16. I


    O week sounds like shit at uts,all my friends at usyd and unsw have all these other organised events such as dance parties,movies to be played,and some djs playing music throughout the day wheres the uts crew to orgainse all this stuff? uts union>shit
  17. I

    So where you guys worked/going to work for your first intern ?

    Yeah I was talking to a 4th year guy and he said hes not sure about the 2nd half of the internship,but the first 1/2 of the internship apperently half the people dont get paid (which sounds reasonable considering all you would have learnt is mathematical and physical modeling and an intro...
  18. I

    So where you guys worked/going to work for your first intern ?

    ah is it true half you guys get your internship without being payed because that really sucks
  19. I

    Yay we have our own sub forum finally

    you boser mods about time you thought about us afterall we did engineer the society discuss
  20. I

    picking up a second course in the uts

    yeah you could do that but itd probably take you like 6-7 years at uni,you could lower the amount of years your going to do by choosing to do free elctives in the interior design faculty in your electives in engineering(you get 4 elctives in engineering)