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  1. rama_v

    Chemistry for Chemistry's Sake - Non - HSC Chemistry that ur interested in

    I'm not sure if its completely chemistry related but fluids that display zero viscosity seem extremely cool
  2. rama_v

    Heat of combustion and whatevv

    Constants are given in SI units. The base SI unit of mass is kg, surprisingly (not grams). So thats why they give it to you in kg.
  3. rama_v

    Heat of combustion and whatevv

    Do it mathematically: H = -mc dT and if you are using c in units if J K-1 kg-1 then if you have m in kg, the kg's cancel out, and the dT is measured in K so that also cancels out, leaving only Joules.
  4. rama_v

    Percentage Composition Question

    Find number of moles of precipitate. Then find number of moles of phosphorus using the molar ratio (from the formula we see that there are two moles of phosphorous atoms for every mole of ppt). Then you can find the grams of phoshorous and hence % comp
  5. rama_v unsw

    I'm doing nano. It's difficult but highly interesting so far. Its not much different to any other science degree, just that it goes for four years and so you do more physics, chem and bio than an ordinary science degree. Don't get tempted by the name though, it should be called 'nanoscience', as...
  6. rama_v

    University offers

    You get an offer for your first preference as long as you have the UAI for it. You only get one offer per round. However, if you decide to change your mind, what you should do is accept your fist offer, then try again in the second round for the course you want to do. If you get an offer in the...
  7. rama_v

    98+ w/o Tutoring

    Its possible. There are people who get 100 UAI with no tutoring. I never got tutoring either.
  8. rama_v

    integrating ln4x

    ln(4x) = ln 4 + ln x . then int (lnx) = xlnx - x (parts). go from there Oops you do 2 unit. Try drawing e^x and find the corresponding area as suggested above.
  9. rama_v

    Who hates physics?

    ? The physics course at present is like a half unit course when u compare it to 2 unit maths. People should be able to use quadratic equations in year 10. Motion in two dimensions is something we did in year 10 too. When you do dot products and calculus in physics, then we can call it a 3 unit...
  10. rama_v

    summarise whole syllabus in 7 days?!?!

    I agree. You don't need to summarise everything. Just do past exams - if you do enough of them you will have learnt all the content in the sylabus. Of course read through the sylabus and make sure you understand all of the dotpoints after you do the past exams in case you've missed something...
  11. rama_v

    Black Body Radiation Arghhhhhhhh
  12. rama_v


    Many substances will react with oxygen to form an oxide layer, e.g. Iron. However, the oxide layers probably have different permeability due to the different lattice parameters and the arrangement of atoms in the lattice of the metal beneath (for example, iron is body-centred cubic, while metals...
  13. rama_v

    UNSW Engineering. (how long u spend at uni)

    Commerce is about 12 hours a week. Science/engineering can expect double that.
  14. rama_v

    To all BSci students

    I'm not doing pure BSc but I know many who are. You can expect roughly 25 hours a week, and also expect to come in every day (if you are lucky you may be able to cram it all in four days, but if you do science subjects with long labs, then this is unlikely). It's hard work but if you like...
  15. rama_v

    graphing questions :D

    T = 2Pi/n = 2Pi/Pi = 2. So the period is now two
  16. rama_v

    Photoelectric Effect Problem

    Kinetic energy is just referring to the energy of the ejected electrons. Hence 1/2 * mass(electron) *v^2 but that is equal to the stopping potential, eVo (via the work-energy theorem - but dont worry, the theorem is not in the hsc).
  17. rama_v

    ok what the hell would i do?

    You can apply online. You will need a credit card to pay the fee if you chose this route. Alternatively there are other methods of payment. Your school career's advisor should have given you information about it...I am not sure about the dates etc. My guess is your preferences must be submitted...
  18. rama_v

    raw mark for a band 6?

    Probably about 65/84, I'd say.
  19. rama_v

    How did you feel?

    I did MH yr 11 accelerated and waiting for the results was much worse than waiting for my hsc results last year. Luckily for me, I was overseas, and I didn't have internet access anyway at that location. I only found out my marks a day later via an sms my dad sent me. It would have been much...
  20. rama_v

    UTS or UNSW

    Well, there were some statistics someone posted up in one of these threads a whlie ago (can't be bothered to find the link). Basically they said that about 90% of UTS engineering graduates find jobs , whereas the figure for USyd and UNSW was well below that (something like 30%?). However, this...