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  1. rama_v

    Who hates physics?

    Oh, ok. I always thought there was...
  2. rama_v

    Who hates physics?

    Not entirely calculus based, but certainly mathematical. I think the board should do what they used to, and have a 2 unit and a 3 unit physics course, with the 3 unit course being the more demanding mathematically. They could make 3 unit maths a requirement for the 3 unit physics course if it...
  3. rama_v

    Who hates physics?

    Yeah. Certainly, its very interesting...
  4. rama_v

    Who hates physics?

    Don't expect HSC physics to help you in uni. Apart from a little bit of background in year 11, I found year 12 physics a total waste of time in that it hasnt helped me one bit yet in uni physics - uni physics is much, much more mathematical. Mind you, that is just my experience so far...
  5. rama_v


    (a) Use the momentum formula, m1u1 + m2u2 = m1v1 + m2v2 (b) If Kinetic energy is conserved then the collision is elastic. Hence use the Kinetic energy formula.
  6. rama_v

    What is time dilation?

    The equations for energy you use above are low-velocity approximations, and do not apply when speeds are very large.
  7. rama_v

    1st in the state

    Yeah, we don't get a cert. The lesson here is to aim for number one, and if you don't reach it, make sure u don't reach it by about 19 places.
  8. rama_v

    1st in the state

    Whatever u do don't get second in the state. You get nothing (not even a certificate)
  9. rama_v

    Limit thingy

    This is in the camrbdige 2 unit book, for small angles sin @ = approximately @ . But it does look like a 3 unit question.
  10. rama_v

    Very basic projectile motion help

    That is true. But if people want to do it that way, and it assists understanding, then why not
  11. rama_v

    Muslim People in Australia
  12. rama_v

    Very basic projectile motion help
  13. rama_v

    drop maths all together??

    Its not so much your mark that matters. What you learn matters - I think some degrees assume that you are competent at 2 unit maths. You could always do a bridging course if you wish, but of course you will be a bit behind most ppl undertaking that degree in terms of mathematical ability if you...
  14. rama_v


    what's inertial force??? (inertia is not a force)
  15. rama_v

    shape of molecules

    You need to indicate the numbers as many times as they appear. So for your example it would be 1,1-dichloro-2,2-dimethylpropane : no dashes in between words, only between words and numbers.
  16. rama_v

    *bwah* Help with ppm?

    The question is badly written. There was a big debate about it last year. You can view what ppl had to say about it here: Long story short, forget about the question. Link edited. Sorry, should have...
  17. rama_v

    Question About IPT hsc exam/trial exam

    There's no need to stress for IPT, ;) . You don't have to go too in depth. Try a few past paper questions, you will see that there are a few things that always pop up (like network topoligies), so make sure you study those.
  18. rama_v

    UAI Estimate

    Try and get a mark in the 80's for bio...
  19. rama_v

    UAI Estimate

    Bring up your bio mark and you should be able to get 80. There's still plenty of time till the hsc.
  20. rama_v


    I have two fee statements for semester two as well. Apparently the admin is having a problem not knowing how to delete the statments - just pay your most recent statement is my advice.