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    POST- HSC anxiety

    for me, it's nearly all those things mentioned above post-hsc anxiety (waiting for results) post-hsc depression (thinking of how one could have done better) post-hsc solidarity (no more friends around) post-hsc boredom (nothing much to do) basically the hsc cuts our life span by almost...
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    what has your schooling life taught you

    from what i can gather.. absolutely nothing..
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    How are you gonna get your HSC results?

    lmao... so true.. as for me, internet... i can just imagine myself hearing this ominous beeping sound only to find like a set of shitty numbers staring straight at my face... and its so less auspicious...
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    bloody trick question - TDS

    im pretty sure u can't put percentage in terms of w/v.. altho u would have got the same answer, i think u had to change 500 ml of water to 500 grams of water, on the assumption that the density of water is 1g/cc..
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    Best Paid Sales Job Around

    rofl.. this thread is a travesty
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    bloody trick question - TDS

    fuck...i think i just screwed that question up sooo bad... does anyone know how many marks it was???
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    HSC Results via SMS

    why would you want ur results through sms? i dont see the point. isn't internet good enough?
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    bloody trick question - TDS

    hey guys, this is prolly old news, but just wanted to clear this up. for that TDS question, they gave us data so that we could calculate the values of mass of dissolved solids and insoluble solids (achieved by evaporation and filtration resp). During the exam, i vaguely remembered adding up...
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    Question 19 - Apollo 13/Newton in the Driver's Seat

    the question wasn't about some general 'space travel' scenario. The description of the scenario at the start of the question specifically narrowed it down to something applicable to just Newton. It is justified, in that sense - my opinion. and no, re-entry has nothing to do with newton, per...
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    The Haber Process Question

    i doubt they will be pedantic.. *sigh* the hsc exams this year were riddled with little tricks - chem, physics, bio... definitely tougher than last year, in my opinion.
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    getting into retail stores

    yeah. she's right. i told you already, and you still doubt what i said. If stores only recruit those with past experience, how do the newcomers ever get to work? of course, thats not the case. you just need to be able to prove urself..maybe in an interview, maybe through ur school activities...
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    Medical Physics--what did you think?

    what? CAT scans had nothing to do with the question, i mean u could mention it, but just means u have less time to respond to the focus of the question..:p
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    Q 16 to 24

    for that assess reliability question, it merely stated with reference to two applications,...(2 marks btw), explain how u assessed reliability. the statement they gave u before the question also hinted towards the fact that the major component of the 6 marks. i.e. 4 marks was towards...
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    not in the syllabus

    yeah this year's hsc papers, not necc physics (cos i do med physics), were i felt, slightly random at occasions... like to the point where sometimes they would test things not in the syllabus, and u would walk out of the hall and realise that they were in the syllabus, just tested in such a...
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    Medical Physics--what did you think?

    i thought the medical physics questions were the hardest ever asked in the new hsc - not necessarily because of their content. they were certainly longer questions, even two mark questions required a fair bit of writing to get a good explanation down. this was because the questions were so...
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    Question 19 - Apollo 13/Newton in the Driver's Seat

    i agree with the fact that this q has nothing to do with escape velocity.. but with newton's first law, how the hell does the rocket go in a straight line?
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    Question 19 - Apollo 13/Newton in the Driver's Seat

    u said newton will hurt himself when he falls off the seat?... rofl the statement 'newton is in the driving seat now' metaphorically implies that forces of gravity are now controlling the motion of the craft... and btw, someone talked about it being a q on safe re-entry and shit... well...
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    Question 19 - Apollo 13/Newton in the Driver's Seat

    yeah, after the burn implies the slingshot manouevre... perfect
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    Question 19 - Apollo 13/Newton in the Driver's Seat

    mate whats with the capitalising of 'then'.... if u read the question, u will see that the quote that the astronaut said regarding Newton is at the end of the question, after the scenario had been given... i.e. it doesn't mean oh, he said newton was in the driving sear only after this.. or...
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    Question 19 - Apollo 13/Newton in the Driver's Seat

    well, that question had nothing to do with escape velocity or newton's hypothetical scenario regarding escape velocity... the rocket was still able to burn fuel and so wasn't a projectile..