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  1. A

    dot point

    yeah i had a similar confusion with this dotpoint... it says the factors affecting the strength of the gravitational force... so according to newton's law of gravitation, as spankmeh pointed out, it should be: the product of the masses involved i.e. their masses the sqaure of the...
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    braggs experiment

    do we relli need to know that much for that dotpoint anyway, cos it gets relli confusing...especially with different sources claiming diff things... i think we just need to know the Braggs' method for determining crystal structure of metals... oh yeah one thing -> in the syllabus, it says...
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    time dilation and the paradox thingy

    thanks, that clears a lot of things up. does that mean that the earth twin sees from his inertial frame of reference, a kind of slow motion movement taking place withing the ship travelling at relativistic speeds?...i mean would that mean time dilation or?
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    What's The Difference

    hmmm good point helper.... i just read about that 'second explanation' somewhere too... :):):)
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    time dilation and the paradox thingy

    kfunk - i sorta get what u are trying to say, but the part about 'relative observation' doesn't really click... lets do it this way. lol. i found this from physics contexts... it says the paradox lies, as lostauzzie mentioned, in the fact that both twins are seeing the other twin moving...
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    Net Spin????

    ok, not all elements have atoms with net spin... basically follow these rules and u can work out net spin for any atom of any element: if both mass number and atomic number are even, net spin = 0 i.e. NO net spin if the mass number is odd, regardless of atomic number, net spin =...
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    Any 4unit Ppl?

    when the damn thing is descending, you have a negative angle compared to the horizontal. alternatively, you could just as well take 2pi - pi/4 instead of pi/4... it wouldnt matter... the key is you understand that it is descending and that because tan theta = y component of velocity / x...
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    Survivor39's Answer and Some Explantion to Multiple Choice Questions

    from the way u were building up the repetitions, i would have thought u would have said 'why isn't 15 D?' lol ummm no it is D, its more correct than B
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    Survivor39's Answer and Some Explantion to Multiple Choice Questions

    i have to agree with survivor on this should be D ^ love ur rationale :D
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    time dilation and the paradox thingy

    ok you said that the space twin is younger or whatever, basically time runs slower for him than on earth and when he returns like the clocks would be like there would be time discrepancies in their clocks. so why doesnt the same thing happen with mass and the...
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    time dilation and the paradox thingy

    i agree with wot uve said but i dont understand ur reasoning as above^ how does him not being in an inertial frame of reference make him age less.. thanks
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    Induction Cooktops and Electric Ranges

    well as long as you know how induction is used in the cooktop, then you are qualified as 'knowing' that dotpoint... they won't ask a 1-marker on what are electric but feel free to broaden ur horizon
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    time dilation and the paradox thingy

    dunno if this has been asked before but im asking anyhow. slight confusion. a rocket that is travelling at say 0.8c towards a star, away from earth and there is a guy in the rocket. from earth, we see his clock run slower than our own, according to special relativity. But because for the guy...
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    Induction Cooktops and Electric Ranges

    who cares, its not that important. knowing how induction cooktops work blabla etc will be enough
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    Survivor39's Answer and Some Explantion to Multiple Choice Questions

    omg havent we stressed this question enough in the forums already? the D option says area of low solute concentration to high solute concentratoin, not low water concentration to high water concentration...hence D is correct
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    What's The Difference

    relationship b/w theory and evidence is basically about how theories that are proposed are tested through experimentation or evidence...i.e. to validate theories, you need to have appropriate evidence relationship between thought and reality, is just a relli shitty dotpoint relating to...
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    human story, out of syllabus

    hmmmmm maybe ur right... i dunno
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    How did everyone go?

    why did u have to draw lines for urself? couldnt u just have written below the lines...without drawing lines..rofl
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    the colour blindness question

    the question didnt mention anything about the mother (maria)'s state... u had to deduce her genotype from the clues they gave u, i.e. her pop was normal and her mum was carrier....hence she can only either be carrier or normal
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    the colour blindness question

    what do u mean "if the mother was affected rather than just a carrier?" explain how that condition even arises??? the mother (maria) cannot be affected, she's either normal or carrier...look at ur punnett sqaures again :D