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  1. S

    Muslim headscarves

    Wearing the headscarf isn't all there is to being a Muslim. People often forget that in Islam, there is inner hijab and outer hijab - inner hijab being the one that is more important. So if somebody doesn't wear the scarf but they are a good person, they give charity, they are patient, they...
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    Western Muslims' Racist Rape Spree

    Yes I've considered it and eliminated that possibility because there is no credible evidence to prove it. Who says noone knows the right way to interpret them? Have you even been reading the last few pages of this thread? As I've stated earlier, there IS an established procedure for...
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    Western Muslims' Racist Rape Spree

    He did have multiple prophet's but usually, he only had one prophet at a time because there was no need for more than one. As for producing the quran in multiple languages, alot of issues would arise with that. For example, you can't ever interpret something that is in English to Chinese...
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    Western Muslims' Racist Rape Spree

    There are lots of reasons but the main reason is because the religion of Islam was introduced in Arabia (and that's because Arabia, at the time, was the worst place in the world morally - so God wanted to put an end to corruption and immorality). So since Islam was introduced in Arabia, the...
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    Western Muslims' Racist Rape Spree

    No worries.....yes they were, by God.
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    Western Muslims' Racist Rape Spree

    They are not 'old fashioned'. God is perfect, therefore the text that God sends is perfect.....and perfection encompasses universality and timelessness. Ofcourse, not ALL verses are intended to be universal and timeless, but those that aren't are known not to be after they were interpreted using...
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    Western Muslims' Racist Rape Spree

    Different verses were revealed in different times and in different places, the whole quran was not revealed at the same time. We can assume that most verses are timeless/universal until scholars interpret them using the established procedure, and if in the procedure, it is revealed that the time...
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    Little boy travels to see grandma - awwww

    BERLIN: A 10-year-old boy found pedalling his toy car alongside a road in central Germany in the middle of the night said he was on his way to his grandmother's in Berlin, police said on Thursday. The boy had been pedalling for about an hour but still had more than 400km to go to reach...
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    Racism in Australia

    ROFL they tickled you? And how is her kissing you rape? :rolleyes:
  10. S

    Dec 31} Woman marries dolphin

    That is disgusting
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    Western Muslims' Racist Rape Spree

    Well, most copies of the quran have a summarised version of the interpretation of the verse next to it. So you would need a copy of the actual verse in order to understand it's interpretation wouldn't you. Plus, it's considered a good deed to read the actual quran, and like when a relative...
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    Western Muslims' Racist Rape Spree

    Sashatheman, let me give you a small taste of the way quranic verses are interpreted. This is in regards to 5:51 which somebody posted earlier: In chapter 5, verse 51 of the Quran it says, according to the most common English translations, O, you who believe [in the message of Muhammad]...
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    Western Muslims' Racist Rape Spree

    No, He doesn't contradict himself.....when these verses are interpreted in the way that they're meant to be, you find that there are no contradictions. It isn't absurd. It's a possibility. I didn't say Osama is really a Christian, I suggested that he, and other terrorists who claim to be...
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    Western Muslims' Racist Rape Spree

    God did, through the prophet (s) I'm not exactly sure, I can only guess.....but I think there would be a variety of reasons including the intended timelessness and universality of the quran. Anyway, even if he had made it that plain, I'm pretty sure there would still be misinterpretations.
  15. S

    Muslim headscarves

    Ahadith are not perfect, some are fabricated, some are misquoted and the chain of narration often ruins the validity of alot of hadiths............therefore, the result of such words is irrelevant to Islam because the words were wrong in the first place.
  16. S

    Western Muslims' Racist Rape Spree

    Even if they were subconciously trying to do that, it wouldn't work because as I said, there is a strict established procedure with regards to quranic interpretation......and their work will not be accepted if it does not stick to that, when a scholar interprets something...
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    Western Muslims' Racist Rape Spree

    Uh, I don't really understand your post. The prophet didn't interpret every single verse as being literal.
  18. S

    Muslim headscarves

    You do realise that many Muslims do not accept that everything in Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim are reliable and valid?
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    Western Muslims' Racist Rape Spree

    If people are going to ignorantly interpret the quran the way they see fit then that's their problem. The prophet (s) has warned against people interpreting the quran the way they like.
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    Western Muslims' Racist Rape Spree

    Yes, it seems like an explicit verse but it's not........and where do you think scholars get their interpretations from? They interpret the quran through various means....the best way to interpret the quran is through the quran itself......also, some verses have been interpreted by the Prophet...