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  1. S

    Western Muslims' Racist Rape Spree

    ^ LOL didn't you just read what I wrote about interpreting the quran at face value and ordinary people interpreting the quran
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    Western Muslims' Racist Rape Spree

    Just like anything is misinterpreted. For example, some things in the quran are literal whereas others are metaphorical, some things in the quran only apply to a certain group of people whereas others apply to everybody, some things only apply at certain times whereas others are timeless. So in...
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    Western Muslims' Racist Rape Spree

    You hating the argument doesn't invalidate it What he believes and the reality are two completely different things. God states that ''the killing of one innocent life is equivalent to killing the whole of humanity and the saving of one innocent life is equivalent to saving the whole of...
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    Muslim headscarves

    ^ 1. Ofcourse it doesn't, but it increases the chance. Anyway, rape is an extreme....desiring a woman may not lead to rape but it could lead to other things like harassing her, touching her indecently etc etc 2. There's nothing wrong with sex or lust for the one you are married to
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    Western Muslims' Racist Rape Spree

    First of all, these atrocities are not committed only by Muslims. There are many non-Muslim rapists, terrorists etc. Secondly, it doesn't mean there is something wrong with the religion, it means there is something terribly wrong with the people who commit these acts.
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    Western Muslims' Racist Rape Spree

    I'm not exactly sure what you mean by that?
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    Western Muslims' Racist Rape Spree

    Islam comes from the Arabic word salam, which means peace. So in a literal sense, it is derived from the word peace. However, you're right, if you asked me to describe the religion Islam in one word, I would probably say something along the lines of submission. Alot of them do publically...
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    Western Muslims' Racist Rape Spree

    I completely agree with you, it makes me sick........though, you could have said it without all the swearing :P
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    Western Muslims' Racist Rape Spree

    Yes, anyone who preaches such things are wrong. You insist that they do but the vast majority DON'T......if you want, I can introduce you to a dozen sheikhs from sydney who DON'T practice anything of the like, but rather, condemn it. I'm not being nice because I am in the minority, I'm being...
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    Western Muslims' Racist Rape Spree

    Moonlight - if Khalid Yassin was indeed preaching for Muslims to abstain from having non muslim friends (I wouldn't be surprised if he was) and was not taken out of context, then he was wrong for doing so. Islam does not prevent us from having friends who are not Muslims. In fact, I believe the...
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    Western Muslims' Racist Rape Spree

    They don't. The only preachers you are aware of are probably the ones you've seen on the media who say such things. Ofcourse, the preachers who preach good things won't make it on the media because theres no reason for it. When Muslim clerics sit there and preach ''we should be kind to people...
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    Western Muslims' Racist Rape Spree

    Regarding Khalid Yassin, I've been to a few of his lectures and I don't like him at all. He is very illogical and does not represent me as a Muslim. Terrblespellor, I think you fail to realise that there is no one set way as to how Muslim's think. Muslims are a diverse group of people who think...
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    Western Muslims' Racist Rape Spree

    Yes, it would be interesting if somebody conducted a study about what goes on in the mind of a Muslim extremist.....that is, if they found one before they killed themselves. Other than messed up interpretations, I think what also influences their thinking is their socio-cultural background and...
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    Dec 31} Woman marries dolphin

    Honestly, human behaviour never ceases to baffle me
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    Saudi court orders gouging out of Indian's eye

    I don't know if women commit more adultery than men. Maybe they just get caught more, maybe they do in fact commit more adultery than men, maybe the legal procedures carried out in certain countries with regards to adultery is corrupt (as you would probably suggest)....... but notice I say the...
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    heeeelppp mee!!!

    lol can possibly do what my bro did. He's doing a medical science degree coz he didn't get into law. However, he's doing all law subjects and is now trying to transfer into law and he doesn't need to repeat those subjects.
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    heeeelppp mee!!!

    What's the cutoff for writing and contemporary cultures at uts? Anyway, maybe you could do b arts and you could possibly do some of the subjects required to complete in your desired course (ie.writing) and then transfer later.
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    Saudi court orders gouging out of Indian's eye

    That's not the point. The point is, the law applies to both males and females.
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    Saudi court orders gouging out of Indian's eye

    Uhh no. When you hear a wise quote several times it may not be as effective but that doesn't mean the wisdom loses it's significance. There is a difference between effectiveness and significance.