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  1. J

    financing your BOW

    yeah i know, that's why im so happy with my art department at the moment
  2. J

    financing your BOW

    i go to a public school too, but our art class has almost everything provided. (we probably have 30 art students) our school has a two or maybe three kilns , a new photography dark room, and lots of stuuf. our art teacher basically just says "what do you want?" and, we tell her and then...
  3. J

    Discussion of concepts

    HHHEEEYY! that concept sounds really cool, and thought out. mine is a little bit more open........ok a lot more. im doing the landscape of [australia] or the landscape around me, that i have grown up in... in an abstract came-out-of-my-head kindof way. i dunno if the "concept" is...
  4. J

    would you have taken 3u art?

    hey! its kindof wierding me out that you know my name... i do three extension classess as well. because im an idiot. anyhoo i went to see artexpress today at newcastle. verygood although i had seen half of ot at AGNSW. the girl from my highschool is there. there were somepreetty good...
  5. J

    would you have taken 3u art?

    I think the third unit was full on theory.i guess it would be like ext history where you choose to study really in depth about sometin. in stead of many case studies for knowlegde of a range of topics. i reckon it wouldnt be bad for ur UAI if it was competetive like that. i dunno. i prob...
  6. J

    Retreat From The Global

    what are you on??????????? not mention reall names. im so confused right now
  7. J

    Retreat From The Global

    yeah she is good like that we always get heaps of feedback if we want it. it help when we get notes like that. too bad i can never thjink of anything creative for english. we should be allowed to create our own artwork and submit that as a text. if we can analyse artworks y cant we make...
  8. J

    Retreat From The Global

    so, no, i wont send u a copy of this one, but i am writing another one so i may do that one. if i think its worth it. thanx anyhoo
  9. J

    Retreat From The Global

    yeah our teacher is pretty good with comments, she always writes a full page for ext tasks. i knew it was shite, it wasnt really creative, she likened it to a lecture. which i actually expected to happen.
  10. J

    Retreat From The Global

    yeah i suck at creative and i just got a practice one back today from the holidays and i got 11 out of 25!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 freakingoutgonnaadoreallybadlyinthisupcomingassessment!!!
  11. J

    Retreat From The Global

    hey thanx. so what do you wanto do after uni???? i wish i knew what im doing. lol thats a whole nother thread tho. im starting the tell me what carreeer i wanto do thread. i have a huge range of ubject so i dont fit into any one job category either! im freaking about every sunject tho. i...
  12. J

    Retreat From The Global

    lols, i guess i knew u werent doing the HSC. r u at uni? what r u doing?
  13. J

    Retreat From The Global

    lol, cool. its gonna be ok. im freaking out about everything right now but for no reason. glitterfairy.....why are you so calm??????? ur helpfull tho, thanx
  14. J

    Retreat From The Global

    hey yeah i am calmed down..............i go to school with miks so i was really just jokin around. ummmmm what i was thinking of doing was maybe a newspaper article written by nutbeem or quoyle for the gammy bird or whatever. or maybe a discussion between two characters about an article they...
  15. J

    Radiohead Appreciation Thread

    hey guys, have any of you been hearing the new radiohead songs????? are they not the most awesomest awesomeness ever? i love 4 minute warning and 15 step. cant stop listening to them. anyhoo, the site i am using to get the bootlegs is its got about three full concerts from...
  16. J

    Class of 2006. Gather Ye.

    uber emos! i guess thats what you get for a performing arts school. we have a minority of emo's at our school, although i have decided that emo is just the new punk. and its funny because that means all those punks out there, that hate emos, actually are emos. anyways off the topic a little...
  17. J

    Retreat From The Global

    screw you mikhaila, which is not your real name, i didnt get the chance to bitch about it yet. i have decided to be optimistic about it all...........take it on as a challenge.. we need to write a creative peice as a character from one of our prescribed texts. i can just see me going...
  18. J

    Class of 2006. Gather Ye.

    yeah but im thinking that your school is sunna have a little buit of an advantage..............performing farts that you are lol to you freakiing out? i would be...but thats me. umm, well if you have no clue start with the art you like and the art...
  19. J

    New MUSE album!

    i dunno if this helps now but you can download the new single off the muse website for free.................
  20. J

    Class of 2006. Gather Ye.

    yeah........we have two classess and there are two different teachers. both classess are going about their works in different ways, it will be interesting to see how each class compares too. our school usually does ok in art, my art teacher is pretty cool with it alll and she's been teaching...