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  1. J

    Retreat From The Global

    hey thanks, we are studying heaney and the shipping news, we r doing the castle as well, but i want that to be my third prescribed text cos i dont like it very much. i have studied the mosquito coast for a text of own choosing and im probably gonna try to do fight club for my next one...
  2. J

    Retreat From The Global

    Re: Retreat From The Fucking Global i guess its kind of hard when avery question i have seen seems to involve one of the other module b electives. postmodernism, individual and society. i have had to study all of those topics and they havent helped my RFTFG at all. that eldridge seemed...
  3. J

    how many pgs do u write??

    Re: How many words can you write in 1hr i cant believe you havent had to write an essay in an hour for an asessment before? the last extension english task i did in an hour and i wrote about four and a half A4 pages.............dunno if that helps immensly. you could always just sit down...
  4. J

    Craptastic predicted UAI

    ok, now i guess i should give some constructive criticism..... yeah you should think about newcastle, the cut off is 93 UAI and the medical program is thorough and well respected, thats where im hoping to go, cos its my hometown uni. if you can pick your marks up to get you a 95 or so you...
  5. J

    Craptastic predicted UAI

    wow, i can't believe you think 90-95 is a crappy uai. u only need to get above 95.55 or sumthing to be considered for medicine at UNSW, the rest goes off UMAT and interview. where do people come off always complaining about they are gonne go shite and still get a UAI in the 90's...
  6. J

    Class of 2006. Gather Ye.

    legal studies.......................dont wanto talk about it. i really wanto go into civic and have a look. there is a girl from our school in the travelling exhibition hers was pretty good. our school got a few band 6s for the practical, but she was the only one selected for...
  7. J

    Class of 2006. Gather Ye.

    lol dont worry, i did mock trial in yr 10...........we got thrashed by merewether. i saw one of your schools artworks in artexpress at the AGNSW, it was pretty good...
  8. J

    Class of 2006. Gather Ye.

    i know a few ppl from your school too. no one cares a bout debating anyway. BTW ur birthday is september 11, r u a terrorist?
  9. J

    Class of 2006. Gather Ye.

    !!!!!!! im coming first out of our two classes... about 40 kids or so i think. but only by 0.6 of a mark. how would you know where you are coming in the state????????????
  10. J

    Radiohead Appreciation Thread

    the bends is good, but i cant go past OK computer. It may be cliched but it really is one of the best albums of all time. (closely followed by the bends) you cannot beat: Karma police Let Down No Surprises Paranoid Android Electioneering Airbag Tourist Exit Music Climbing...
  11. J

    recommend me some new music

    FUCK ME, i did put some effort in! then i wanted to have my say on something else! just as you fucking did in your last post! "cunts above" ---just cos ur a sociopathic control freak
  12. J

    recommend me some new music

    oh come on, we all know that the mars volta (the other half of at the drive in) beat the shit out of spartas soft rock crap. i caught the mars volta at the big day out, they went absolutely offf!!!! Highlight of BDO 06 i tells ya.
  13. J

    recommend me some new music

    You need to love radiohead! best band in the world and almost every critic will put their 1997 album OK computer in their top 5 albums ever made! its that simple.....they are the best current band in the world. ask anyone who is anyone. try to get - No Surprises -...
  14. J

    New MUSE album!

    hey yeah i reckon thats a good point for all you radiohead haters out there. i got into radiohead from their early stuff and then fell in love with the entire range, from pablo honey as far out as kidA/amnesiac and back to HTTT. muse are great but radiohead rock my socks! BTW i heard...
  15. J

    Radiohead Appreciation Thread

    THE RADIOHEAD TOUR HAS STARTED IN COPENHAAAGEN and i just want to know if anyonme has heard any bootlegs of the new songs, ive read theyre amazing (of course they would be) but my computer is gay and they wont play.......anyong heard them and have an opinion????????? love to hear about it
  16. J

    Private vs Public.... Everything

    every member of society has the responsibility to ensure that our country will continue as an intelligent nation, by paying taxes for education its a contribution to australia's future generations. I dont know all the figures on govt spending but as far as i can tell the (national?????) govt...
  17. J

    Class of 2006. Gather Ye.

    lol, u should have no problem with identifying and conveying isolation in your work then! but seriously, that would be constantly getting my friends opinions. i couldnt do it on my own.. im doing my concept around the land and that kind of thing...........kind of...
  18. J

    ART express 06

    which one was yours?
  19. J

    ART express 06

    wow u really got involved in that eh. ur gonna take it to BOS???? thats a bit extreme isnt it?....i didnt like some of them, some were good. there were a few at the armory i liked. i thought the banksy one was a little contrived, but it still worked. there was one there that was basically photos...
  20. J

    yr 11 English ext 1

    i actually have done both "Gothic" Genre (in conjunction with alienation) and the comparision/ appropriation of 10things and taming of the shrew. i like frankenstien heaps but no one else in my class seemed to agree. we then looked at the film alien for another text on "alienation" ..........not...