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  1. honky tonk

    Worst thing you can do at uni

    You remembered to italicise the Latin! 10 points!
  2. honky tonk

    Lear - if they ask for 2 scenes

    It would be harsh of them to ask for specific scenes, so I wouldn't worry about it too much. :)
  3. honky tonk

    anyone else sick of writing their student number yet...?

    Haha, I was about to say the same thing. Once I press a 1 on my keypad, I instantly feel like completing my old student number. I wonder how long that will last...
  4. honky tonk


    + FadeToBlack I think that's the lot.
  5. honky tonk

    Will doing Legal Studies drag your UAI down?

    No, no.. that's just silly. The UAI is a rank, not a mark.. and to my knowledge there is no way that statement could be backed up. Go here for a list of courses and their scaling: It tells you that Legal Studies is scaled up. Although not...
  6. honky tonk

    Whats with CHL7???

    I loathe channel seven. I don't really know why, but it looks as if some year 10 multimedia class filmed its advertisements, and the kids used their leftover pocket money to buy television shows. ..I do love Family Guy, however.
  7. honky tonk

    Law anyone????

    What kind of information were you looking for? The two first year subjects are Legal System and Method (basically just learning how to communicate as a lawyer, learning about the Constitution, Common Law, Statutory Interpretation, etc.) and Criminal Laws and Procedure (murder, sexual assault...
  8. honky tonk

    christianity and dinosaurs> can they be friends?

    I think the whole belief system is based on our childhood. The majority of us thoroughly believed in Santa Claus for the first few years of our life, and nobody could convince us otherwise... except, of course, our parents. Many of the children I know now believe in Santa Claus just as much...
  9. honky tonk

    multiple choice in HSC

    I'm pretty sure we coloured the circles in with a black or blue pen. Take a pencil case with everything.. just in case.
  10. honky tonk

    christianity and dinosaurs> can they be friends?

    "The Bible, the Koran, Buddhist scripture... they all carry similar requirements - and similar penalties. They claim that if I don't live by a specific code I will go to hell. I can't imagine a God who would rule that way." - Dan Brown I wholeheartedly agree. "God loves all of his...
  11. honky tonk

    trickyv question!

    Is that question from the 2003 HSC paper? I can remember staring blankly at it..
  12. honky tonk

    Semester 2 Exam Timetables Out!!

    Wasn't it just last week that I was looking at the Semester 1 exam timetable? Boy how time flies... and boy how my timetable sucks... LAWS1001B - Wed, 10-Nov - 1:45pm : 2hr BIOL1020 - Thu, 11-Nov - 1:45pm : 3hr CHEM1020 - Mon, 15-Nov - 1:45pm : 2hr LAWS1002B - Fri, 19-Nov - 9:15am : 3hr...
  13. honky tonk

    Who is finished for the term?

    Yeah I'm finished. Not officially, but I couldn't be bothered going.. That delicious biology report I'm sure you know about, and preparation for a moot. Consider yourself lucky if you don't know what a moot is. :mad:
  14. honky tonk


    Curse it! I was going to do my chemistry quiz tonight.. it always goes down when I have a quiz!! Grrrrrrr
  15. honky tonk

    Removal of English as a REQUIRED subject.

    If you ask me, they should get rid of English as the compulsory subject and form a whole *new* subject that incorporates things you actually need in life. Understanding the English language is, of course, necessary.. but I don't think deconstructing a text or analysing certain techniques used in...
  16. honky tonk

    Coffee on campus?

    I'd probably graph all three just to be sure, but you certainly shouldn't be marked down for just doing the ratio.. it's the only information that's really significant.
  17. honky tonk

    Coffee on campus?

    Dibley was awesome. One of my favourite lecturer's so far. I never thought I'd say it, but... I actually enjoy learning about plants, lol. I was expecting so much worse. Soooooo very much worse. The quiz was a lot better than last semesters.. Apart from it locking me out and making me do it...
  18. honky tonk

    Coffee on campus?

    I also don't drink coffee, but the girl that serves it behind the auchmuty library is mighty friendly.. so that stall gets my vote. hipsta, what do you think of Bio so far?
  19. honky tonk

    So...What did you do at uni today?

    Whoa. You weren't by any chance randomly saying hello to people on Wednesday, were you?
  20. honky tonk

    So...What did you do at uni today?

    (I certainly hope you all know what the "murder" game is, otherwise that last post may have looked rather.. odd.)