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  1. honky tonk


    I got no feedback, just ticks. Shocking. Oh, and Eileen is adorable.. I would appreciate you not mocking my future wife. ;)
  2. honky tonk

    how much does it cost for printing a page at uni

    I'm pretty sure printing in colour is 30c per page.
  3. honky tonk

    Very Confused Help!!!!!!

    I'm not sure about the Spanish Extension, but you're supposed to input your Aligned Mark.
  4. honky tonk


    Sometimes it takes a few days for lecturers to activate their subjects. My Criminal Laws section didn't become available until yesterday. Maybe you could e-mail someone you know is doing the course and ask them? Or e-mail the lecturer?
  5. honky tonk


    It seems alright on mine. What exactly are you having trouble doing? Logging on? Accessing subjects?
  6. honky tonk

    the book shop

    I'm waiting for the stupid lines to die down.. I still need to buy a couple of books/references as well.. but I guess I can wait a few weeks.
  7. honky tonk

    how many hours a week.

    Ahh, thanks. :) Well then I think I have 80 credit points this year, 40 this semester.
  8. honky tonk


    People keep recommending Monk to me, maybe I should watch it. When's it on?
  9. honky tonk

    The Lion King (stage production)

    My parents saw it last night.. apparently it was 98% word-for-word from the movie, which was disappointing for them. They said costumes, music and acting was great, though. :)
  10. honky tonk

    Bio vs Physics vs Chem....

    I think this is the best advice. I needed Chem and Bio for my course, and I had no knowledge of Chem. I did a bridging course, but I already feel behind.
  11. honky tonk


    I take it he's the guy that constantly brags about him not ever having a "real job", and talking about how he travels the world twice a year.. I'm glad I don't have him anymore, I was actually getting sick of not learning anything. :p
  12. honky tonk

    first days

    It seems to be better today (on and off), thankfully.. and apparently it's supposed to clear up from now on. :)
  13. honky tonk

    first days

    The rain gave me the utter shits today. It would get really heavy the moment I stepped outside.
  14. honky tonk

    Combined law

    At the moment.. it's kind of both. The Communication subject is fun, but the Legal System is a *cough*. :)
  15. honky tonk


    I dislike that show with a passion.
  16. honky tonk

    first days

    Did you have the 5-6 PM lecture in that.. big room? That was pretty good, doesn't look too hard. Law, however, has already given me a headache.. :(
  17. honky tonk

    Raw marks to scaled marks

    Yeah that's true.. also I think the General Maths scaling should be told, because I know a few people who did General just because they knew they would be good at it.. they didn't realise until later that they would need high 90's just to get what they would consider a decent mark.
  18. honky tonk

    Just over a week till uni starts !!!

    Lucky buggers.. Uni starts in about an hour for me. :(
  19. honky tonk

    Raw marks to scaled marks

    Because the Board probably tells the teachers not to. They don't want students choosing subjects based on scaling (although people still do), and so they usually just tell us to pick subjects we enjoy and are good at.
  20. honky tonk

    1st assignment

    Whoa, Lazarus.. make sure you keep us updated!